Lucifer | Do you really love me?

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Lucifer x Human! Male! Reader!


Angst, fluffy ending

Lucifer is kinda an asshole in this story

There might be a part 2 to this.

Reader is an human who can't die from aging, but can die from external factors. Looks about 27, but is actually over 100 years old.

Lucifer and Y/n had been dating for 9 years now, and tonight was their anniversary for ten.


Y/n sat on his shared bed with Lucifer, in lingerie. It was late into the night, almost 12 am. Y/n was tired, but he really wanted to make love for their 10 years together.

Lucifer came into their shared room in the House of Lamentations, not expecting his boyfriend to still be awake.

"Lucifer." Y/n smiled softly. "Welcome back."

"Why are you still up, love?" Lucifer questioned.

Did he forget...? Well, it's not much of surprise, he forgot the last two years as well...

"It's our ten year anniversary, and I really wanted to make love tonight..." Y/n lightly blushed at the confession.

Lucifer sighed softly. Y/n knew this wasn't a good sign. He wouldn't be getting pounded.

"I'm sorry, love, but I'm tired. Can I make it up to you?" Lucifer asked.

Y/n slowly nodded. Lucifer didn't have a good track record of 'making things up' for Y/n.
Y/n got up, and got changed into pajamas. Lucifer got changed as well.

I wonder why he stays with me...

"You looked lovely." Lucifer smiled gently

Y/n blushed and all his sad thoughts went away. He cuddled Lucifer on their bed, and they both peacefully went to sleep.

The next day

Y/n woke up, and Lucifer was gone. Y/n sighed softly, and went to take a shower. He finished his shower and got dressed for the day. He looked at himself in the mirror, and noticed how much his stomach was bulging out.

"Maybe that's why he hasn't touched me in months... I'm too fat..." Y/n murmured.

Y/n knew he needed to lose weight. So, he started researching diets and work out routines that he could do.

He wanted to be the ideal man that Lucifer loved in the beginning.

Maybe he never loved me...

Y/n shook the thoughts away, and continued researching. But the thoughts kept coming back, and the tears kept piercing his eyes. He started crying at his computer.

"He hates me..." Y/n cried. "Why did I think someone actually loved me..."

Lucifer was at a student council meeting, and got a weird feeling in his chest. He always got it when there was something wrong with Y/n. Lucifer wanted to leave, but he didn't. He would check on Y/n when he got back to the House of Lamentations.

Once Lucifer got back, he immediately tracked down Y/n, to find him meal prepping in the kitchen.

"Are you alright, Y/n?" Lucifer questioned in worry.

"Yup! Just meal prepping for the week." Y/n smiled.

"Meal prepping? Why?"

"I'm going on a diet." Y/n admitted.

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