Mammon | Coming Out

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Mammon x Non-binary! Demon! Reader

Requested: Thanks for the request :DD

Understanding, love, dating

Mammon was confused when you came out to him as non-binary, but he's trying his best to understand.

Y/n was practicing in the mirror. "Babe... I am no longer male... I am Non-binary..."

Y/n got frustrated with themself, seeing as telling their slightly stupid boyfriend about their change to non-binary was going terribly in the mirror.

"I just need to tell him." Y/n grunted.

"Tell who, what?" Mammon walked into their shared bedroom.

Y/n jumped a bit, but relaxed. They had to tell their boyfriend.

"Babe... I'm non-binary." Y/n bravely told Mammon.

"Huh? What's that?"

"Well, uh, it means I have no gender."

"Your dick fell off!?"

"No! I'm still... Biologically male... but I use they/them pronouns and gender neutral terms."

Mammon was trying his best to understand.

"So...?" Y/n nervously fidgeted with their fingers.

Mammon smiled softly. "You think that changes anything? I still love you, Y/n. Male, female, or non-binary. Whatever you want to be, I'll be along for the ride."

Y/n smiled widely and hugged their boyfriend. Mammon and Y/n shared a kiss, and that quickly turned into a make out session.


Mammon was introducing Y/n to his brothers.

"Guys, this is my Boy—" Mammon quickly caught himself using the wrong term. "Partner, Y/n."

"Hi!" Y/n waved happily. "It's nice to meet you all!"

"He's kinda cute, Mammon~" Asmodeus smirked.

"They." Mammon corrected.

"Hm?" Lucifer raised a brow.

"They go by they/them pronouns." Mammon proudly explained.

Y/n kissed Mammon's cheek, being quite proud of their boyfriend.

Mammon blushed. "S-stop that..."

"Thank you, so much, Mammon..." Y/n smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too, my dear partner."

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