Leviathan | "Welcome home, Master!"

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This is part one of "Welcome home, Master!"

Dominant! Leviathan x Catboy! Male reader

Maid cafe, kisses in back ways, a bit Angsty,

Reader works at Maid Cafe in the human world, and Leviathan gets to visit there for the first time. He meets a reader, the only male working there. Animal-human hybrids are common in human society

Leviathan walked in the maid cafe, to be hit with a delicious smell.

There was a guy in a black and white suit. He had just finished cleaning a table, and then noticed Leviathan

"Yo, welcome in, Master!" Y/n smiled. His tail swayed happily. He pointed to the table, "have a seat here, please~"

Leviathan was a bit nervous, and also felt a bit awkward. He was hoping the maid would be a girl. Leviathan came and sat down.

Y/n pulled out a notepad from his back pocket, and a pencil from his messy hair.

"Hello, my name is Y/n. What can I get you, master? Meow~" Y/n asked.

"Well, uh," Leviathan didn't want to be rude. "I was hoping for a female maid..."

"Oh! I gotcha, sir. Lemme get your order, and then I'll see if one of the other maids will come and serve you, meow?" Y/n smiled, as his tail stopped swaying.

Leviathan noticed, and felt a bit bad, but it's what he wanted.

"Thank you, and I would like an omelette."

"Would you like a ketchup design as well, Meow?"


Y/n scribbled it down, and nodded. "You're order will be right out, and I'll see about that female maid, meow."

"Thank you."

Y/n left to the computer to place the order in, and then went to one of his co-workers, Julie, and asked her to take over for him while he went on his break. Julie agreed.

Y/n left to the alleyway behind the restaurant, that you could get to through the kitchen. He smoked a cigarette, and relaxed.

Leviathan got served, and got his fantasy to happen, of a maid drawing a heart on his omelette. Y/n came back inside, 15 minutes later, to find a table of two girls waiting for him.

Y/n scurried over to the table to greet them. "Welcome home, Mistresses, Meow!" Y/n bowed with a smile.

The girls blushed at Y/n, and gave him their orders.

Leviathan stayed and watched Y/n work for about 20 minutes. He watched Y/n draw fancy artwork on their food, with only a ketchup bottle. While the heart he got was shaky, and definitely not made with love. Julie seemed a bit angry at Leviathan, and he didn't know why.

It was because Y/n preferred serving young men, instead of young women. He had gotten his chance with Leviathan, but Leviathan basically rejected him.

Y/n didn't let it show that he was sad, and played it off.

Y/n put his heart into everything, and Leviathan saw that now. He felt bad.

Leviathan called over Julie, who was glaring daggers at him.

"Can I have cheesecake? And could... I have
Y/n come serve me." Leviathan nervously asked.

"We're not supposed to be switching tables like this, but I'll let it happen, just this once." Julie hmphed.

Julie went over and talked with Y/n about the table change, again. Y/n nodded, and went to put the girls order into the computer. Y/n came back over to Leviathan.

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