Diavolo | Cake accident pt.2

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Diavolo x male! Angel! Reader

Lonely, running away, angst, fluffy ending

Scenario: life with Dagon

Life with Dagon was chaos for the two fathers. Diavolo was getting busier with the student exchange program, and Y/n had to take care of the half demon, half angel baby by himself.

Y/n could manage the angel part, but the demon part was harder, and he needed Diavolo's help with that, but, he was no where to be found.

Y/n was feeling like a single parent. Like he had no help with the growing baby. Y/n couldn't return to the celestial world with Dagon, but he could go to the human world.

So he did.

He packed the necessary baby items for Dragon, and a few clothes for himself, and ventured off to the human world.


"Y/n, Dagon, I'm home!" Diavolo called into his shared bedroom with his family, but found it empty.

Diavolo thought nothing of it, and assumed his husband was in the kitchen feeding their son.

No Y/n.

Diavolo searched around. "Y/n, this isn't funny! Come out! Now!"

Diavolo couldn't find Y/n anywhere. He returned to his room, to find a note.

Hey, Diavolo.

I'm leaving to the human world to take care of Dagon on my own. We're nothing more than a nuisance there in Devildom.

I love you, but don't come looking for us.

- Y/n

Diavolo, was hurt. He felt stupid and oblivious to his husband's pain, and neglected feelings. Diavolo couldn't just sit back, and let his husband and son just leave.

He had to get them back, no matter what.


Diavolo took MC, the seven brothers and Barbatos to the human world. Barbatos guided everyone to Y/n's home in the woods.

Diavolo knocked on the door gently.

"Just come in, Zac!" Y/n called.

Diavolo's heart tore into pieces. His husband had moved on.

"Zac," Y/n swung the door open. "I said— Diavolo...? What... I told you not to come after me."

"Do you think I wouldn't come after my husband?" Diavolo said seriously.

Y/n sighed. "I was hoping you would listen for once..."




"Hello, Barbatos, Lucifer, Lucifer's pets— oops, I mean brothers. And—... Human... She can't come in here."

"And why not?!" Mammon got defensive.

"Dagon isn't stable around Humans at the moment. There were some... problems when we first got here..."

"Then who is this Zac guy, huh?" Diavolo said with jealousy in his voice.

"It's not like that, Diavolo. He's a Dragon, and he's helping me out with Dagon. Unlike you." Y/n snarled a bit at the end.


"A kingdom is hard. Blah blah blah. If you came here just to tell me excuses, leave, because there's no excuse to miss your son's first birthday!"

"First birthday...? I missed that...?"

"You don't even know how old he is, do you?"


"Six months. You didn't miss anything, but you wouldn't have known that. Just go live your life, and me and Dagon will live ours. It's better if we're separate, Diavolo."

"I can't lose you, Y/n..."

"You're not losing me, you're giving me up. It's better this way, Diavolo. I'm sorry, but it's the truth."

A waddling six month of Dagon, came to one of his fathers.

"Dada?" Dagon spoke to Y/n.

Then he looked outside to Diavolo. "Papa!"

Dagon waddled to Diavolo, and hugged his leg, happy to see his papa.

"How does he—"

"Know who you are? I've been teaching him to call you papa, because I know you love him. I would never take that status away from you,"

Diavolo stared at Dagon.

Dagon's nose twitched.

Dagon, without hesitation, launched at MC. He had spread his black and white wings. Y/n caught him, and tried to hold him back, but struggled a lot with the stronger Demon power of the baby.

"Dagon, please stop... You're too strong for Dada..." Y/n begged his son, who still trying to kill MC.

Diavolo grabbed Dagon from Y/n, and easily held him.

"No." Diavolo said sternly.

Dagon whined.

"No. No killing."

"WAAAAH!" Dagon broke into tears.

Y/n sighed. "Thank you, Diavolo."

"Do you still think you can take care of him, yourself? Even with the help of a dragon?"




"Only Barbatos knows if anything will work out."

Barbatos looked into the future.

"In this future, it won't work out. Coming home to Diavolo would be the best option."

"But, Zac—"

"Don't worry about me, Y/n." Zac walked out from behind a tree. "Go be a family with your husband."

Y/n sighed. "Everyone's against me on this, huh? I guess it's my only option."

Diavolo grinned.



Diavolo was much more involved in Dagon's life. He was doing his best to take care of Dagon and Y/n, while balancing the work of Devildom. Y/n tried to make sure Diavolo didn't choose them over Devildom, and that's what they are arguing about now.

"Y/n, you and Dagon are more important than anything!" Diavolo exasperated.

"We are not more important than Devildom, and that's okay, Diavolo!"

"That's not true!"

"Babe." Y/n sighed, seeing Dagon waking up from his nap. "Fine, you win."

Y/n went over to Dagon, and picked him up.

"Don't just say I win, Y/n!" Diavolo grabbed
Y/n's shoulder gently.

"Don't every grab me with Dagon in my arms." Y/n spat. "If he ever got hurt because of you, I wouldn't hesitate to try and kill you, Diavolo, and I mean that."

Diavolo sighed. "I'm sorry, my love."

"It's okay, Dear. I'm sorry for getting so aggressive... Family cuddle?" Y/n asked with a cute smile.

"Of course."

Diavolo cuddled Y/n and Dagon on their shared bed. Y/n and Dagon fell asleep in Diavolo's arms.

Diavolo kissed Y/n's forehead. "Everything will be alright. I promise."

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