Beelzebub | comfort buddy

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Beelzebub x Trans! Male reader | Modern AU

Comfort, Modern AU, cuddling, Suicidal talk

Scenario: Y/n needs comfort from his boyfriend Beel.

Y/n didn't have the support from his dad about being trans. His mom was amazing and supportive, but his dad, not at all.

Y/n needed the support of his boyfriend.

"BEEEEEEL!" Y/n called to his boyfriend who was sleeping in their shared apartment.

"Huh?" Beel mumbled as he stopped stuffing his face.

"I need cuddles!" Y/m whined.

"But I'm eating..."

"Beel, please... My Dad—"

Beel stopped eating at the mention of Y/n's dad. He raced, scooped Y/n up, and carried him to their bed.

"Don't listen to the prick, Y/n." Beel seriously said. "You're perfect. I love you as you are, a male."

Y/n sniffled into Beel's chest.

"I just want to die..."

"I love you, Y/n. You're perfect. I need you in my life, so please don't ever leave me. I don't want to lose you. I love you. Don't leave me. Don't go. Don't go. Don't go." Beel murmured over and over.

Y/n gently cried.

"I don't want to leave you, Beel! I want to stay with you to the end!"

"Then please don't die." Beel told Y/n.

"I'll stay with you, Beel. I will. I promise to stay by your side, Beel."

Y/n and Beel made out.

Y/n calmed down with the touch of Beel.

Y/n and Beel pulled away.

They cuddled closely.

"I love you Beel. Thank you." Y/n gently smiled.

"I love you too, Y/n. You're perfect. Perfect, perfect. Perfect."

Y/n giggled.

"Thank you, so much."

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