Solomon | My witch

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Solomon x Male! Witch! Reader

Warning: bad cat puns

Half-cat, outdoor smut, aftercare husbands, mpreg

Scenario: Y/n is now half cat.

"MEOWERS!" Y/n cried out, staring at his paw hands. "THIS IS A CAT-ASTROPHE!"

Y/n had black cat ears, paws, and tail. Y/n was standing up with McKinley. McKinley stared at what she did to Y/n.

"Come here, Y/n~" McKinley slowly approached the normal witch. "Time for tickles!"

"No!" Y/n tried to run, but McKinley was already on him and tickling the shit out of Y/n. They were in Y/n's shared Dorm room with Solomon, his husband.

"Stop! Stop!" Y/n laughed out.

"Never!" McKinley giggled. She continued tickling Y/n.

"NO SERIOUSLY—" Y/n let out a cute sneeze, and soon had cat features.

"MCKINLEY, WHAT THE HISSSSSS DID YOU DO?!" Y/n gasped as his cuss word was blanked out.

"I'm so sorry..." McKinley apologized.

"Sorry? Sorry!? What the HISSS is a sorry gonna HISSSSS do!?" Y/n was getting more pissed that his cursing was getting filtered. "WHY AM I FAMILY FURR-ENDLY!?"

"Hey, Y/n, I'm back...." Solomon froze once he saw a half cat Y/n and McKinley standing in the middle of the room. "Uh-huh. I see. Good luck, Y/n."

Solomon went to leave, but was grabbed by furry paws.

"You, and McKinley are gonna lend a paw and fix this." Y/n states seriously.

Solomon started snickering. "I'm sorry, Love, but it's hard to not laugh at those bad puns."

McKinley started snickering too. Y/n leaned in close to Solomon, pulling out his claws.

"You keep laughing, and it'll get clawful in here." Y/n growled.

Solomon gulped, knowing Y/n didn't do empty threats. "Yes, Love."


Y/n, and Solomon were in the human world, grabbing materials for Y/n's potion. McKinley was in Devildom grabbing the material's needed.

Y/n was grumbling cat curses, as Solomon walked behind him. They were in a forest, looking for a flower.

They came to a clearing, where there was a few flowers that they needed. Y/n raced over to the flowers, and tried to pluck it.

Solomon started at Y/n's ass that was swaying back and forth. Y/n was on his hands and knees, happy about finding the last ingredient.

Solomon walked up to Y/n, gently rubbing his hand on Y/n's ass.

"My cute Kitten~." Solomon purred.

Y/n blushed. "H-Here, Husband..?"


Y/n nodded. Solomon pulled down Y/n's pants and underwear, to let his tail and member free. Solomon used his magic to clean Y/n's hole, and the slowly pushed in with his dick.

Y/n moaned happily to have him husband inside of him. Solomon quickly thrusted, wanting to cum inside his husband and hopefully get him pregnant.

The two never did it without a condom, so Solomon was going to take this chance to knock Y/n up.

"Y/n, please have my babies~!" Solomon begged, as he jerked Y/n off, and played with on of his nipples.

"Meow~ I'll have your kittens!" Y/n moaned out.

"Good kitten."

Solomon came inside of Y/n happily, and then pulled out. Y/n jerked off a bit more, and came after Solomon. Solomon picked up his catboy, and teleported then to their house in the human world.

Solomon filled their tub with warm water and bubbles. Solomon cuddled and kissed his tired  husband. Y/n's tail swayed with happiness.

The tub was ready, so Solomon stripped both of them down. Solomon sat down in the tub first, and then used his magic to carry Y/n onto his lap.

The two kissed and smiled. They wanted to make love again.

"Please, make sure you got me pregnant, husband..."

Solomon had Y/n ride him in the tub the two was moaning loudly, as their house was soundproof with Solomon's magic.

Y/n rode Solomon quickly, drawing both of them to their end fast.

"Husband!" Y/n cried out.

"Shit, Y/n!"

The two came again. Solomon came inside Y/n a second time. The two relaxed and cuddled in the warm tub.


The two went back to Devildom and made the potion. Y/n chugged it, and his cat features disappeared.

"Finally!!!" Y/n screamed with joy. "I can fucking curse, bitches!"

Solomon kissed Y/n's lips. "Not for much longer... We're gonna have a baby on the way."

Y/n pouted. MC was excited for the two to have a baby.


Y/n did get pregnant. His tummy was big, and he was sore from the extra weight on him. Y/n wanted the baby to come already, and get it over with.

Solomon asked to be let go from the program with Y/n, so they could raise the baby in the safest environment. Their home.

The two made love a few times each month, to help with the birth.

The two were ready for the baby to come.

Oh, and it did.

They did.

Y/n had triplets.

Solomon had to carry the three with his magic. Y/n made potions to help them stay awake, and take care of their children.

It was difficult for the two, but McKinley came over to help often.

But finally, Y/n and Solomon had a moment to themselves after 4 years of chasing babies around.

They kissed and cuddled and shared their love for each other.

Until one of their little baby boys waddled into their room.

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