Diavolo | Prince of Angels

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Diavolo x Angel! Prince! Male reader

Rude, mean, smut, abuse mentions, happy endings

Diavolo has to marry the prince of Angels to have true peace with the Angels and celestial realm.

"Welcome to Devildom, Y/n." Diavolo smiled.

Y/n looked around, and just sighed. "I really have to do this bullshit, huh?"

Diavolo smile didn't faulter. He was warned of Y/n grumpy, and rude personality. Y/n was very rebellious, so his father hoped something good would come of marrying Y/n off.

"Stupid Father." Y/n grumbled under his breath.

Diavolo went up and gently kissed Y/n's knuckles. "Hello, my Betrothed."

Y/n snatched his hand away. "Fuck off."

Diavolo chuckled. "Just as your father said."

Y/n hissed. "Don't trust that man. He's a liar."

"God himself is a liar?" Diavolo chuckled.

"Hard to believe, right? But it's true."

"Well, I hope you enjoy your life here in Devildom."

"I won't."


Y/n was walking around RAD. He was wearing his royal attire, that he hated with a passion, but he refused to wear any clothes Diavolo presented him.

They were all quite feminine and revealing.

"Why are they all so revealing and feminine?" Y/n spat out his question.

"Oh, I apologize. I wasn't expecting to marry a prince..." Diavolo apologized. "I'll make sure you have masculine clothes by tomorrow."

"You better."

So, Y/n had to wear his royal clothes, which he hated with a passion. He hated his royal like. He wanted to be a normal human, with normal responsibility.

He wanted to enjoy anime, and eat ice cream messily. He wish he could've been a normal child. Have a normal life.

Just be normal and not royalty. He was he was ignorant to the truth of the world. But he knew it from such a young age. That his father wasn't as holy as he let on.

Everyone had their faults.

Even God.

Y/n just wished someone else would see that.

Y/n felt a hand on his shoulder. A demon was trying to take his soul. Y/n's soul was sexually and romantically pure, but not pure to the dangerous of the three worlds. The truth was something Y/n knew.

His soul was in between pure and corrupt, and that enticed this demon. Y/n grabbed the hand and flipped him over his shoulder. He put a hand to the demons forehead.

"Exterminate De—" Y/n was cut off by a big hand yanking his smaller hand off of the demon's forehead. The demon got up and ran away.

Y/n looked the face of the big hand.

"Lucifer..." Y/n growled.

"You were about to kill that Demon." Lucifer glared.

"Oh I'm sorry, I should've just let it take my soul. My bad." Y/n rolled his eyes.

Lucifer glared. "Don't kill the people you're going to rule."

"Why couldn't you marry Diavolo, huh? This would make my life so much easier."

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