34. The End with a bit of Travel in the Future

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Hermione was now sitting in the crowded part of the library together with her friends. Even the twins had found their way to the library as they studied for their potion's exam. Katie and Hermione already had done three exams, Herbology, Astronomy and Charms, and still had four to go. But all the third years had their electives they had to study for. Angelina and Lee had their Arithmancy exam this morning and had a good feeling about it. The twins and Alicia had Astronomy tomorrow morning but didn't even pick up the book as they would just wing it. They all had their potion's exam tomorrow afternoon, so they were all nose deep in potion's books. Cedric and Matt where studying for ancient runes, while Hermione and Katie studied side-by-side for their DADA exam.
The moment Cedric and Matt walked in; Alicia had looked hopeful to see Gavin with them, but they informed them that Gavin had gone home after his father's condition had worsened overnight. The teachers told him he could take his exams later, so he could go home and be with his family.

Hermione looked up from her DADA book when she saw the familiar figure of Blaise walk in. She gave him a look to say he could join them, but he softly shook his head before he disappeared behind the shelves. Hermione sighed disappointed, Cedric who sat on her other side noticed the exchange and leaned closer.

"Give him time."

"Yeah." She whispered back and turned her attention back to the book in front of her.

Two weeks and a lot of exams later, Hermione's shoulders relaxed as she stepped out on the grounds that looked over the black lake. They all decided to repeat the picnic of last year, make it a tradition after the exams. So, Hermione and Katie had their part of the picnic in their bags as they walked over to the pitch, Katie with her broom over her shoulder. It was a hot day, but the clouds gave them a break from the burning sun. When they arrived at the pitch, they saw the twins already there. Two large picnic blankets were spread on the side of the field, they even brought a couple of cushions and were placing cups and plates on the blankets when they arrived at the picnic spot. Katie placed her broom next to the twins' and helped Hermione pull out the drinks. Only a few minutes later Angelina, Lee and Alicia arrived with Cedric and Matt on their tail. All carrying their brooms except for Matt and Lee.

Once everything was displayed on the blanket they started to dig in as they talked about how the exams went, their summer plans and what the next year might bring.

"So, no study dates this summer?" Cedric nudged her with a grin.

"I don't think so. I have a meeting with Professor McGonagall tomorrow. But I think if they were going to suggest that, they would have told us sooner."

"Probably right." He tossed a grape in his mouth. "But we can still meet up this summer. I even made plans with the twins."

"Sounds good." She said as she twirled her miniature broom between her fingers. "But it'll likely be in August, I'm going to France for a month to visit relatives."

"Just let me know." He winked.

"So, are you just going to twirl that between your fingers, are you ready for a game." Fred grinned as he nudged his head at the tiny nimbus 2000.

"Oh, you're on." Hermione grinned as she jumped up. "Team captains?" She pointed between herself and Fred, who nodded with still that smug grin on his face.

"Ladies first."

"Great! Georgie." She sends a teasing smile to a stunned Fred as George laughed and walked over to Hermione with his broom over his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and send her a wink.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora