13. A Chaser & Two Seekers

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Hermione woke up before Katie the morning of the try-outs, which surprised her. By the time Hermione made her way up to their room rather late, Katie was already tucked in her bed, her blankets pulled all the way up. Hermione got dressed and picked up Katie's broom and walked closer.

"Katie." She shook her best friend. "Time to get up."

"Hm?" She hummed in her pillow.

"Try-outs, Katie." Hermione nearly fell out of bed as Katie bolted up. Katie jumped out of bed, and quickly got dressed in work-out clothes, making Hermione chuckle. "Katie, we have time, relax." She placed her hand on her shoulder. Katie took in a deep breath before pulling on her shoes. "Okay, let's head out to breakfast, alright?"

"Yeah." Katie nodded her head and accepted her broom from Hermione.

When they got down the others were already waiting for them. Angelina and Fred wrapped their arms around Katie and walked in front of the rest, going over the try-outs of the year before, trying to give her tips and tricks.

"How is she?" George whispered, coming up next to her.

"She's nervous. She didn't say anything, but I can see it." Hermione said, her eyes strained on the back of her best friend. "And I know she's still mad at the whole Harry thing."

"Maybe, once we see him play..."

"I hope so." She glanced up to George. "Do you guys want to come watch Cedric try-out tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sounds like fun. Is seeker the only position they need to fill?"

"No, they are looking for a beater and a keeper too."

"We can stake out our competition." George grinned, rubbing his hands together as they entered the great hall. Angelina placed Katie right next to her at the table with Fred on her other side, still going over things for later. Hermione, George, Lee and Alicia all sat across from them and loaded their plates. "Oh, Hermione." George pointed his fork at her. She pursed her lips and looked from him to the fork pointedly. "Sorry." He lowered his fork with a smirk. "I want to go to the artfade thing."

"Artfade?" Hermione frowned.

"Yes, the artfade. Where you went with the girls this summer, the thing with the games." Hermione looked at George for a second before she laughed loudly, leaning her head against his shoulder. The others all looked at her in surprise, George looked down with a frown at the girl laughing on his shoulder.

"I'm- sorry." She choked between laughs, her laughter dying down. "It's not that funny but." She took her head of his shoulder and shrugged. "It's an arcade."

"Oh, right. That then. When can we go?"

"Maybe we can meet up this Christmas break." Hermione offered, taking a sip from her water.

"Brilliant." George said, Fred chimed in hearing the last part of their conversation.

Hermione turned back to Katie, who was picking at her food. "You need to eat something, Katie. You need your strength."

"You heard her, eat." Angelina teased, hovering a spoon full of strawberry yoghurt in front of her. Katie rolled her eyes before taking the spoon from Angelina with a smile. Angelina pushed the bowl of yoghurt in front of Katie. It was quite obvious Katie wasn't going to eat any more than the yoghurt, so the group stood up and walked out the great hall.

When they just walked out the great hall Cedric, Matt and Gavin walked by, going in to get breakfast.

"Morning, Mi." Cedric smiled.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now