32. Two Times Fourteen

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Gryffindor had won but only just. While the Gryffindor chasers kept scoring goal after goal, the Hufflepuffs all got blocked by Oliver. It was Cedric who saved the team from further humiliation as he battled Harry for the snitch. Harry's broom was faster yes, but Cedric had the experience and when he noticed that Harry was going to pass him, he stood up right on his broom and jumped at the snitch. Hermione's heart stopped for a moment and even Lee, next to her, stopped talking as he looked down at the pitch in shock. But Cedric did a head roll on the grass and stood back up, proudly showing off the snitch in his hand. It only got him a broken arm, which Madam Pomfrey healed in an instant. Hermione was waiting outside the hospital wing for him, while the others went to set up the party at the common room.

"All better." Cedric said in a sing along voice as he walked out of the hospital wing, swinging his arms over his head. "Let's talk here." His voice suddenly turned serious and took her hand and pulled her in an alcove. "Gavin... his dad is sick. And he's not coping well."

"Oh, no!" Hermione's eyes wide.

"That's not all, he's going to break up with Alicia."

"What? Why? Alicia really likes him, and she would probably want to help him through it."

"I know, we tried to tell him that, but... Like I said, he's not taking it well."

"Poor Gavin." Hermione's voice barely above a whisper. "I can't imagine."

"Me neither. I'm not going to the party; Matt and I are going to be there for him. He barely leaves his room."

"No, of course." She nodded as they walked back out of the alcove.

"Uhm, Mi. I think there is a good chance he already did it."

Hermione's eyes went wide as she understood what he said and nodded. Cedric turned and walked to the other side. "Oh, Digs!" She called after him, Cedric stopped and looked over his shoulder. "You did great today."

Cedric gave her a lopsided smile before he disappeared down the stairs.

When Hermione climbed through the portrait hole and glanced around the room, she knew Gavin already did it, because Alicia, Katie and Angelina weren't present in the room. She looked to the twins and Lee, who nudged their heads to the girls' stairs, with a solemn look. Hermione crossed the common room quickly and bounded up the stairs. She found Alicia crying on her bed with Angelina and Katie next to her. Her heart broke as she heard Alicia sobs fill the room. Hermione walked closer to the bed and placed her hand on Alicia's leg as she sat down.

"Alicia." Hermione's voice soft. Alicia lifted her head from the pillow and looked at her with tear-filled eyes.

"Gavin, he- he broke up with me."

"I know, I'm so sorry."

"You - you know?" She hiccupped.

"Yeah." Hermione nodded sadly. "Cedric found out why he closed everyone off, why he pushed you away."

Alicia pushed herself up and wiped the tears from her cheek as she leaned against the headboard. Angelina adjusted her stance and wrapped an arm around her as they looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

"His dad is sick; it doesn't look good." The three of them looked at her shocked as they processed the information.

"Why didn't he tell me? Why-why did he push me away?"

"I don't know." Hermione's voice quiet. "Cedric says he's not dealing with it well. He tried to push Cedric and Matt away too."

"But maybe I can help him."

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now