7. Another Sorting

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It was time to go back to school. Hermione had gone early to the platform so she could pick an empty carriage and take a moment to herself. Summer had been so busy, that after she said goodbye to her parents, she chose one of the compartments in the back of the train. Still not tall enough, she needed to step on the seat to place her trunk on the rack above her. As she stood on the seat, she grabbed her book out of the trunk and hopped down. She sat down next to the window, so she could watch everyone arrive. She knew she had time, the others mostly took the first compartment they saw. So, they probably would look for her once the train started moving. With one eye on the platform and one eye on the book, she started reading. She saw Lee arrive first, getting a compartment for the rest of them as usual. A few minutes later Cedric had arrived, he soon joined his friends that were waiting for him near one of the doors of the train. Alicia, Angelina and Katie followed each other close when they arrived. Lee had opened the train window and yelled at them. The girls said goodbye to their parents and joined Lee on the train. And to no one's surprise the Weasley gang just made it by a minute. Quick kisses goodbye and they hopped on the train before the whistle could blow.

"Take care of your brother!" Their mum called out as he and Fred hopped on the train. The doors closed just as Ron entered, heaving his trunk. The twins turned to look at him.

"Well, see you!"

"Oi, where are you going?"

"We already have friends, mate." Fred clapped him on the back, and they strutted the other way. They had seen Angelina and Lee waving from a compartment with a strange look on their faces.

"Lee looked weird, right?" George asked as they walked the hall.

Fred nodded. "Yeah, and Ange was making weird gestures, wonder what's that all about."

They walked further down the hall and with a grin and too much flare, they opened the compartment door. The occupants all looked frightened at their sudden loud entrance.

"For fuck sake, can't you two just walk in?" Alicia shrieked.

"You should know us by now, Al." Fred grinned, sitting down next to her, rubbing her head with his knuckles.

"Where's Hermione?" George asked looking around the compartment.

"We don't know!" Angelina sighed. "That's why we were signalling you."

"Oh, that's what it was about." The twins looked at each other.

"Lee." George started. "You were here first; did you see her?"

"No, but it's Hermione. She would tear off her parents' head if there was a chance they would be late."

Everyone mumbled their agreement and the twins rose from their seat.

"She must be -"

"On the train already -"

"Reading or something -" The twins said.

"Or maybe she's with Diggory?" Katie asked.

"No, I saw him arrive, he went to sit with his mates, two doors down." Lee answered.

"We'll check anyway." George said already opening the door again. When they both stepped out and closed the door behind them, George whispered. "I just hope none of the Slytherins went after her."

Fred's eyes went wide in concern before he gave short nod and started their search on the moving train. Being the popular Weasley twins, the past many friends and admirers, more girls than before actually, but they shrugged it off as they went on with their search.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now