11. Notice

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After Hermione bid Cedric a goodnight, she clambered the stairs to the Gryffindor tower. After she told the fat lady the password, she climbed through the portrait and looked for her friends but couldn't spot one.

"Hey, Hermione." Harry said as she passed them on her way to the girls' staircase. "Katie asked me to tell you, they all went out to practice quidditch."

"Oh, okay. Thanks Harry." She smiled at the boy, who was losing again at a game of chess with Ron. She walked up to her dormitory, she dropped her schoolbag at her desk before sitting on her bed and pulled off her shoes. She let herself fall on her back, staring at the curtains above her. Before she knew it her eyes fell shut as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, she woke up covered in blankets, her head beneath the pillow. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and pushed herself up. Katie was already awake and was getting dressed in workout clothes.

"Morning, sunshine." Katie said chipper.

"Morning." Hermione mumbled, swinging her legs off the bed.

"When I came in last night, you were deep asleep." She turned to look at her. "Your legs still dangling from the bed." She chuckled. "I pushed you further in the bed and covered you up."

"Thank you." Hermione smiled, now better awake. She started to change out of her clothes as she switched her uniform from yesterday to her casual clothes. "Are you practicing again?"

"Yes, I know we haven't spent much time together, but try-outs are soon and..."

"It's okay, Katie. I understand." Hermione said as she buttoned of her jeans. "Are you leaving now, or do you have time for breakfast?" She grinned.

"I have time. Angelina and I agreed to practice after breakfast." She said looking away from her. Again, Hermione notice her change in behaviour. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it almost immediately and changed the subject.

"Let's go then, I'm starving." Hermione pulled a sweater over her head before she took Katie's hand and dragged her out of their room.

"Wait." Katie stopped her and quickly grabbed her broom before they bounded down the stairs. The only one of their group that was in the common room was Lee. "Morning, Jordan."

"Bell, Granger." The boy smiled at the pair. "Can I escort you two lovely ladies to the Great Hall?"

Hermione and Katie rolled their eyes but took his arms and walked out of the common room together. It wasn't that early, but since it was a Saturday, the castle was still quiet as most of the kids were still asleep.

"You are up early." Hermione said as they reached the Great Hall.

"I forgot to put on the silencing charm around my bed, and Fred and George woke me up when they started talking in their sleep again."

"Both of them?"

"Hm." Lee nodded. "They were actually answering each other. I went over to check if they were awake. But the snores in between and the way they were laying in their beds, they were definitely asleep." He said sitting down, the girls across from him.

"What were they saying?" Katie asked, as she placed her broom against the bench.

"I couldn't understand everything, but they said something about their mum can't find out."

"Probably one of their pranks." Katie snickered as she loaded her plate.

"Probably." Lee grinned. "So, Hermione. Sitting at the Hufflepuff table..."

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now