9. First Class of the Year

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Hermione had slipped out of bed early. She dressed quietly as Katie was still fast asleep, she put on her shoes and walked down the spiral staircase. When she stepped out of the portrait, she leaned over the banister and looked down at the moving staircases. She enjoyed the quiet mornings at Hogwarts, she knew she didn't have long before it got crowded again. So, she pulled the strap of the bag higher up her shoulder before heading down the staircases, her footsteps the only sound in the castle. Even most of the portraits were still asleep, only a murmur here and there. The doors of the great hall were already open, when she looked in, it was empty except for three people. Professor McGonagall, who was talking to the new DADA professor, MacGavin and one lonely Slytherin, Blaise Zabini. She saw the professor say something to MacGavin before she stood up and walked towards her, as she took a seat not far from the lonely Slytherin.

"An early morning, Hermione." The professor smiled.

"Good morning, professor. I was excited." She grinned sheepishly. The older witch smiled down at her as she went through her papers. The sound of their voices carried through the nearly empty room, making the other two occupants look at them with interest. "Oh, I brought my summer work." Hermione said opening her bag. She rummaged in it, pulling out binders of essays, a tray full of vials and even some plants as she put them on the table.

"Thank you, I'll send them over to the professors immediately." She waved her wand over her work, and it all disappeared. "We'll talk about the results Friday, is Cedric coming with you?"

"Yes, he is."

"Good, good." She said as she flipped through the papers. "Oh, here it is. It was misplaced behind the M's." She pulled out her new timetable and handed it over. "At the end of this year you can choose two electives: Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes or Care of Magical Creatures. So, take your time this year to see what interests you the most."

"Only two?" Hermione groaned. "I did my research on everything already. And I'm very interested in arithmancy, ancient runes and magical creatures."

"No divination?" The professor asked curiously, sporting a small grin.

"No, I believe in logic, skill." Hermione said determent. "Not someone pretending to see the future. No disrespect for the teacher of course." She quickly added.

"I feel the same." The professor reassured her. "And no muggle studies either."

"Not really necessary if you lived it." Hermione chuckled, and a smile formed on the professor's lips.

"So, three electives." The professor hummed. "Well, we still have a whole year. Let's just wait and talk about it in April, maybe you can sit-in in each class to see what suits you the best."

"That would be great, professor. Do you want me to give Katie's timetable, once she's out of bed?"

"That would be lovely." She looked between the papers again and pulled another one out, handing it over. "I'll see you two this afternoon." She said pointing at the timetable in her hand. She turned and walked back to the head table, but stopped for a moment in front of Zabini, who had overheard the conversation.

"Mr. Zabini, Professor Snape will be here shortly to hand out your timetable."

"Thank you, professor." He gave McGonagall a short nod and she walked back to MacGavin. Zabini looked back to Hermione. And she gave him another small smile, just like the night before, which he now returned before looking back to his paper as he ate his breakfast. Hermione took out her DADA book and placed it open against her cup. She read while she scooped up some eggs, bacon and toast on her plate. Her first class was in about two hours, and it was with the new professor, MacGavin. So, she wanted to be prepared for her first DADA class. Last year was a bit of a let-down, the professor was nearing his nineties and let them just read the books and write essays, not really teaching the spells that came with it. So, of course Hermione couldn't just sit idly by, and she and Katie practiced in an empty classroom during free periods.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now