8. Insecurities Arise

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"Now that everyone's sorted." Professor Dumbledore started as he stood up from his seat. "I would like to introduce our new teachers this year. Professor Quirrell is still on his sabbatical and won't be returning any time soon. So, Professor Burbage." He gestured at the professor, who gave a small bow. "She's going to teach Muggle studies this year." Most of the students clapped politely, only the Slytherin table stayed quiet. "And our new Defence against the dark arts professor, Professor MacGavin."

Professor MacGavin stood up and waved to the students, getting a louder applause then the muggle studies professor. Hermione was sure that was because the teacher was quite young, even younger than Professor Snape. She wouldn't put him over thirty years old, he has brown tousled hair, his eyes the colour just like Hermione's bluebell flames, round and wide. Unlike the other professors, he wore a muggle tweed suit from around the twenties, it suited him perfectly. He sat back down with a smile as Professor Dumbledore took over again.

"Oh my, how am I going to focus on class with a teacher like that?" She heard a 7th year Gryffindor say a few seats next to her as the girl gaped at the professor. Her friends agreed with her as they all gazed at the young professor.

The twins and Lee had heard the girls too and looked away from them with a frown. The three of them looked at the professor and back to their friends.

"He's nothing special, is he?" George asked.

"Nothing special?" Alicia asked as she looked over at him with dreamy eyes. "I could watch him all day."

The boys rolled their eyes as Alicia kept her eyes at the teachers table and looked to the others.

"What do you guys think?" Lee asked.

"I-" Angelina looked between the boys. "He is quite a looker and young too." The three boys than turned to Katie and Hermione.

"He's okay, not my type, I think." Katie shrugged her shoulders.

"He is quite handsome." Hermione answered, when the three turned to her.

"Little Granger, you can't say that!" Fred gasped.

"What? Why not?"

"You're too young!"

"Oh, am I now? And when did you three started noticing girls?" She pointed out. The three of them looked flustered at her, before the three of them simultaneously opened their mouths and closed them again. "That's what I thought. I'm almost twelve, not six." She huffed, and the conversation came to a close as the food appeared on the table. Hermione saw the other girls chuckle at the boys' reaction before they started loading their plate.

The evening was loud and cheerful, as everyone talked over each other catching up, or getting to know each other. Hermione's eyes scanned the great hall as she took small bites from her baked potatoes. She saw Harry and Ron talking, Ron probably explaining as much as he could about the wizarding world. Harry looked around the Great Hall too as he listened to Ron. When their eyes crossed, Harry gave a small wave before turning back to Ron. She saw Cedric at the yellow filled table, talking to his friends, the only difference than last year was that a lot of the girls who sat closely by, were watching him, giggling as they looked from him to each other again, whispering. The same thing happened at the Gryffindor table with the twins and Lee. This year is going to really interesting, Hermione thought to herself.

After dessert everyone stood up and started to walk to the grand staircase. Hermione and the group had just reached the large doors, when someone called for her.

"Hermione, wait up!" She turned and saw Percy with the first years behind him walk up. Hermione looked surprised at the Weasley, before she turned to the others.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now