19. Halloween

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It was the day of Halloween, the corridors and the great hall were decorated with webs, pumpkins and other muggle and magical Halloween decorations alike. Hermione wasn't really a fan of the holiday, but the decorations at Hogwarts were out of this world. Hagrid was hanging the last streamers for the dance tonight in the great hall. The dance started at eight that night, so dinner was going to start early, so the festivities could begin on time.

Hermione had just waved Katie goodbye after potions as she made her way down to the library before dinner. The classes ended early that day, so it was only 3 in the afternoon when classes were over. Oliver found this a good idea to shove in another practice, since they had their first match in a week. So once again, Hermione was left to her devices as she wandered the corridors. She entered the library and without thinking about it twice, she walked to the back of the library. It was no surprise to her to see the lonely Slytherin at the table. She smiled as she approached the boy.

"Happy Halloween, Blaise."

"Happy Halloween." He said when he looked up from his paper. "So, are you sad you can't go to the dance?"

"Sad? No. Disappointed, a little." She smiled. "It's just, most of my friends get to go."

"At least you have Katie to keep you company."

"That's true. What are you doing tonight?"

"There is a small party in our common room tonight for the first and second years, but I'm not going."

"Why not?" Hermione inquired carefully. Although she had gotten to know him better over the last few weeks, it wasn't like she knew him like she knows her friends. He didn't talk much about his time with the Slytherins. She was too afraid to ask Harry or Ron about it, since they share some of the classes, afraid what they might think of her. But at least she never heard them talk about him, they mostly complained about Draco, his two bodyguards and a pigged-faced girl named Pansy.

The boy in front of her shrugged. "Draco and his minions will be there."

"Ah." She nodded. "But they can't all be bad."

"They are Slytherins." He stated.

"So are you." Hermione laughed softly. "And you're hanging out with me."

"Well, yeah. I don't care about blood status." He said firmly. Hermione looked surprised at him, her mouth hanging slightly open.

"So, you know... I'm a -"

"Muggle born? Yes. The loud whispers of the others Slytherins made me figure it out quickly."

"Oh." She said quietly looking down at her book. "What do they say about me?"

"Nothing worth repeating, believe me. And I don't agree with any of it."

"How is it you got sorted into Slytherin?" Hermione let out a dry chuckle.

"My whole family has been in Slytherin, for generations actually. The sorting hat actually considered putting me in Ravenclaw."

"I could see that." Hermione's smile returned. Hermione turned her head when she heard footsteps come closer to the hiding spot. Hermione and Blaise simultaneously let out a breath of relief when they saw it was Cedric who rounded the corner. "Hey, Digs. Happy Halloween."

"Happy Halloween, Mi." He smiled as he rummaged his bag. He stopped when he saw Blaise next to her. "Happy Halloween, Zabini."

"Same to you, Diggory." He gave short nod.

"Uhm, can I join?" He asked looking between the two. Hermione and Cedric looked at Blaise for a moment, when he gave nod, Cedric waved his wand over an old book and transfigured it into a chair for himself and placed himself next to Hermione. "I got you something." He said with a lopsided smile as he took out a small pumpkin shaped cupcake out of his bag.

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