17. Failed Dates

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Fred leaned closer at the breakfast table the next morning. "Are you sure you don't want us to sneak you out?"

"No." Hermione said for the third time this morning. "You all enjoy your dates. And don't think too much about the Halloween dance. Today has nothing to do with it, alright? Just enjoy yourself."

"Fine, fine. I think by now, I know to listen to you."

"Is that so? What about last week?" She lifted an eyebrow as she grinned.

"We didn't know Snape would be there."

"You have the map!" Hermione laughed. "See, I told you last year, I don't get how you still get busted."

"In all the excitement of a prank; you forget okay. Next time we'll bring you along, you'll see."

"In your dreams." Hermione scoffed.

"I'll convince you; you just wait."

"I like to see you try." Fred was about to reply but Hermione had stuffed a muffin in his mouth to stop him. He chewed the muffin carefully as he looked at her.

"Thanks, little Granger." He padded her head.

Hermione and Katie walked the others to the large doors that led outside. All the third years were giving Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick their permissions slips as they passed them. Fred and George walked over to their dates, who blushed as they approached. Lee linked his arm with Angelina and waved them off while Alicia was scanning the crowd for a certain Hufflepuff.

"I shouldn't let her wait too long." Cedric's voice came from behind the two second years. Katie and Hermione turned to looked at him.

"Better not." Hermione grinned. "Have fun."

"You too." He said, but when he saw the look they gave him he sheepishly added. "Sorry."

"We'll find a way to entertain ourselves." Katie said, locking her arm with Hermione. Cedric smiled at the girls before he headed to Alicia. Hermione and Katie already agreed that if the weather aloud them, which it did, they would go over to the quidditch pitch and try-out Hermione's new broom.

Hermione and Katie were flying in the empty quidditch pitch when they saw the twins arrive early. The girls looked at each other surprised as they flew over the duo. Hermione placed a finger over her lips and when Katie nodded her head, they both flew behind them. Hermione carefully pulled out her wand and silently summoned water from the lake, Katie grinned as two large balls of water hung over their head. Hermione nearly betrayed herself as a laugh wanted to escape, but she pressed her lips together before letting the water fall on the two boys. The boys shrieked and looked around furiously.

Katie and Hermione nearly fell from their brooms laughing when the twins finally found the source. The twins tried to get a hold of them, but they flew up higher in the air.

"You two are going to pay for that!" Fred yelled, but a smile appeared on his lips as he shook his wet hair.

"Who would have figured we could sneak up on the Weasley twins." Katie grinned, high fiving Hermione.

"You got lucky; it won't happen a second time." George said, running his hands through his hair.

"We'll see about that." Hermione clicked her tongue. "What are you two doing back so early anyway?" She asked looking down.

"Come down and we'll tell you." Fred called over.

Hermione and Katie looked at each other before they turned back to the twins. "I don't trust you two at the moment."

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now