10. Peas and Peppermint

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The first week of class was filled with revisions, seeing what they remembered from last year. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape even gave them the assignment to write an essay on last year's lessons. Hermione was sitting alone in the common room as she wrote her essay on a sleeping draught. She was curled up in a ball on an armchair close to the fire. The others all went out to practice quidditch before try-outs, she assumed Lee was with them, practicing his commenting because he was nowhere to be seen.

She had just written the last sentence of her essay when Harry flopped down on the couch near her. She lifted the head and looked up at the boy.

"Hi, Harry."

"Oh, hi Hermione." Harry tore his gaze away from the fire and looked at her. "Where is your gang?"

"Gang?" Hermione chuckled. "They are playing quidditch." She pointed out the window. "Where is Ron?"

"Going to get his chess game from our room. He wants to teach me."

"He's quite good at it. I've seen him play when I visited their house." She said as she rolled up her essay and put it in her bag. "So, how did the first few days go?"

"We didn't get lost again, if that's what you're asking." He grinned. "It went okay, it's a lot you know." And Hermione nodded, as she completely agreed. It was a lot harder coming from muggles then for the others. "Professor Snape seems to hate me though."

"Oh, no." Hermione waved her hand. "He's like that with almost everyone."

"Except the Slytherins." He grunted.

"Yeah." Hermione said slowly. "Having any trouble with them?"

"Mostly just Malfoy and his goonies. I think his father works at the ministry or something, because he can't shut up about him."

"I've got it!" Ron's voice filled the room as he bounded down the stairs, holding his chest game in the air.

"I'll let you two play." Hermione said as she grabbed her bag and climbed out of her armchair. "Don't be late for dinner, even with Ron's appetite, he can forget it if he's too lost in the game." Hermione smiled at Harry, who grinned with a nod.

Hermione got her bag and placed it over her shoulder before she headed out of the common room to the library. The common room had gotten too crowded just before dinner, so she needed a quiet place to finish her work. When she entered the library for the first time that year, she inhaled deeply. Taking in the scent of parchment, leather, overall, the scent of old books. Hermione made her way to the back of the library, to her usual spot with Cedric. She was surprised to see it was taken, and not by Cedric, but by the lonely Slytherin. Hermione made a move to turn around and looked for another table when Zabini pushed his books aside, clearing a space for her. She glanced around the library, but since they were in the back, hidden behind rows of books, no one was there. She walked closer and slowly lowered her bag to the ground next to the seat. When the boy didn't say anything, or even look up, she sat down and pulled out her books. She grabbed her Transfiguration paper and started on her Vera Verto essay. The odd pair said nothing as they both worked on their school assignments. Even when Hermione was done with her essay, she pulled out the third-year charms book and started reading it. She felt the eyes of the boy on her and when she peaked above her book, he quickly casts his eyes back down. She didn't know how long they sat there reading, writing but she was startled when some called out for her.

"Mi! I thought I would find you here." Cedric's voice boomed through the silent library; they heard several students behind the rows of books hush him. But he didn't pay them any mind as he looked confused between her and Zabini. "Uhm... Ready for dinner?" He asked slowly, watching the Slytherin.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now