Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty One

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Here it is, sorry guys. I was away and school work got in the way. This will be the only story uploaded tonight. Girl on the side is Harmony.


 Chapter Thirty One

Harmony’s POV

            My eyes flutter open on their own from the light shining in my eyes. I yawn lowly, rubbing my hand over my sleep filled eyes. A heavy weight across my body pins me to the bed. Glancing down, a smile spreads across my face at the sight of the weight. Drew’s whole body except his legs are on mine. His head is tucked into my neck, his arms are wrapped around my body, and his chest is on mine. I sigh in pleasure, running my fingers through his silky brown hair.

            I really don’t want to get up. I’d rather stay in this position for the rest of my life. Sadly I have to get up, I promised Sassy and Julianne that I would help set up for Leigh-Anne’s rehearsal dinner tonight. I gave them my word before I even knew Blaine would be here for the wedding, the day I came was when they asked me. I never thought then that Blaine would be coming back into my life. I can’t go back on my word now after I promised them, so I have to do it. I don’t mind, I may be scared out of my mind, but Drew won’t be far and Blaine wouldn’t do anything around so many people. I hope.

            I press my lips gently to Drew’s neck, sucking gently before pulling away. Drew moans in his sleep and nuzzles closer to me. I smile and brush my lips across his neck again. Drew turns his neck away from me and his head turns upwards. With a sigh, Drew’s eyes open slowly to look at me with adoration.

            “Morning peaches” He murmurs smiling.

            “Morning D” I smile, “Sorry to have waken you, I’ve got to help your mum and Sassy with set up”

            Drew’s face goes from incoherent to coherent and he nods in understanding.

            “I see, sorry I was crushing you” Drew winces, sliding his body off of me, “I didn’t hurt you did I?”

            I chuckle and shake my head, rolling over to straddle him, “Of course not D”

            Drew smiles, placing his hands on my hips, rubbing gentle circles with his thumbs, “Thank goodness that was a rather comfortable position”

            I giggle, leaning down to press my lips to his. Drew responds immediately with a sexy little groan, his grip tightening on my hips. His smooth tongue traces the length of my lower lip, nipping it softly, begging for entrance.  I moan quietly, opening my mouth as wide as it’ll go. Drew’s tongue shoots into my mouth, darting around. I smile against his lips and pull away to breathe. Drew pulls away at the same time and rests his forehead against mine. Drew tucks a strand of my black hair behind my ear, pecking my forehead tenderly.

            “You said something about getting dressed?” Drew chuckles.

Living With A Police Officer *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now