Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Seven

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Here it is guys! The second last chapter! Please read the authours note at the end!


Chapter Thirty Seven

Drew’s POV

            I don’t hear anything in the room save Harmony’s soft weak breathing and the beeping from Harmony’s heartbeat machine. Her soft cold hand still resting tightly in my own brings me some reassurance but not as much as I’d like. I clear my throat and rest my head against my folded arms gazing up at her.

            “I’m so sorry Mony” I whisper, “I broke both of the promises I made to you. It’s all my fault that you’re lying here nearly dead. All my fault” My air cuts off and I take a deep breath to control myself.  

            I skim my fingers across Harmony’s pale cheek, gliding them up to the single strand of black hair that lies on her closed eyelid. I brush it out of the way pecking her eyelid. 

            “If I could redo everything, believe me I would jump at the chance” I gulp, “I wouldn’t have let you walk away. I would’ve dragged you back and knocked some sense into you. You wouldn’t be hanging onto your life by a thread if I had done so”

“Blaine wouldn’t be dead if you hadn’t of let her go” A soft voice says from the door.

            I snap my head around to see Raina Kingston standing with her arms crossed. Her blue eyes sparkling with tears as she crosses the room and takes a seat beside Harmony in the other chair.

            “I didn’t hear you come in” I murmur not having the energy to yell at her.

            “I can tell you just kept talking so I figured you hadn’t” Raina whispers.

            I nod circling my thumb soothingly across Harmony’s hand wishing for her to wake up. To wake up and tell me everything would be okay. Just too even smile at me.

            “You know you did all that you could Drew” Raina whispers suddenly.

            I shake my head anger at myself pulsing through my veins, “No, I could’ve done so much better. I could’ve saved her and the baby. I could’ve prevented this” I howl my voice raising an octave. “She could’ve been safe and healthy”

            Raina stares at me softly and rises from her chair. She walks around the bed and wraps her arms around me in a hug. I whimper and clutch tighter onto Harmony’s hand.

            “You did all that you could. She’s proud of you Drew; she’s swelling with pride that you came to her rescue.  She loves you Drew and nothing can change that”

            I snort heatedly, “Yea right. It’s my fault that I lost the baby, it’s my fault that I didn’t get there on time. It’s all my fault!” I holler springing away from her and out of the chair backing away, “ITS MY FAULT! IF I DIDN’T AGREE TO LET HARMONY COME AND LIVE WITH ME SHE WOULD STILL BE OKAY!”

Living With A Police Officer *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now