Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Two

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Hey y'all,

First off I'm not wasting time in telling you why I didn't upload because I'm pretty sure I sent a message out to my fans explaining why. Also, no offense to the people that keep messaging me every other day about uploading, sorry but that won't happen. I don't have any time to upload every other day. Sorry to those who are waiting patiently and not bothering me with those messages. I should mention I DO NOT mind if you ask me when I'm uploading again, that's not what I'[m getting at. It's when you do it every other day. I find it quite flattering yet super annoying. So please, patience people.

Anyway, last weeks upload wasn't very long, sorry for that. That was all I had planned out to give you, but today should be better. Oh yes, I know I mentioned last chapter that I would be uploading a Prologue for another story of mine I'll be starting when this one is finished, but that didn't happen. I don't know if I'll have time to upload it today because I'm not sure if it's ready yet, but we'll see.

To those who want to read the prologue, send me a message and you'll get the link. I'm marking it as private because it's a sneak peak for my fans for being so awesome and supportive. You people who have asked for the link in a comment, so I don't forget would you mind Private messaging me, or even chatting me up? I wouldn't want you to miss it on account of my forgetfulness. I will however let you know when it's up.

Now, for the part y'all came here for, sorry for my jabbering.


Chapter Twenty Two

Drew's POV

"Get up, Get up, DREW, HARMONY" There's a pounding at the bedroom door, Sassy's cheerful voice waking me from a lovely sleep that I was enjoying very much.

Harmony groans, wiggling herself from her sleeping position on my chest. As much as I want her to stay in that spot, I can't take the knocking at the door.

Sassy certainly has a death wish. I'm not a morning person, and neither is Mony. This can't and won't turn out well if Mony has her way.

Mony slides from the bed, pulling down her rising shirt, exposing her tan skin.

 I grab fistfuls of the bed sheets, gripping onto them as if my life depended on it. If I had no self control what so ever, I'd rip that shirt off along with the rest of her clothing and have my way with her. That would no work out well after all Mony's been through, I'm sure she isn't quite ready for that yet.

 I'm surprised she even let me kiss her. I'm surprised I kissed her. I'm not regretting it at all; I'm just stunned I actually grew the balls to do it.

I've had a growing crush on Mony for a while. It probably started at the club when she thought I couldn't dance. Her touch had left me needing more. Wishing for more.

I would've made my move sooner, but when she told me about...B....the mega dick, I didn't think she'd go for it.

I'm glad I did though, if I do say so myself, from the moans and sighs she was making; I'm thinking she enjoyed the kiss almost as much as me.

Mony cracks open the door, yawning. She pokes her head around it to see our visitor.

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