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(* This is it... I hope you all enjoy! -A/N [Glitch] *)

*Time Skip: 5 months*




*Narrator P.O.V*

It's been 5 months since Balloon, Nickel, Baseball and Suitcase became a lovely poly couple. And life, seemed to be perfect, to Balloon.

His whole life had turn over in a matter of a few months. It was crazy to say the least. Let's give a basic run down shall we?

Balloon was once depressed, and had ran away from the hotel. He had met Taco and befriended her, despite a few issues.

Then he and Taco adopted Ash, who was still as playful and loving his new life in the hotel. Soon after, Mepad had joined our trio and really helped Taco and Balloon with their pain and hurt.

And while life remained okay for them, things too a very dark and dramatic turn of events. Balloon and Taco were attacked and sent to the hospital.

Now that they were back, it took a while to adjust to the new life, but now both of them were flourishing in their new life.

Mephone had left around the time Balloon had finally gotten his new arm from Test Tube. It was hard for him to say goodbye to Mepad, but he promised to call and text.

Taco and Mic had grown closer than ever before, making their love bloom. With Pickle, Taco and his friendship was mending very nicely. It almost felt like time never left them.

Taco still had a bit of trouble making amends with her former season 1 contestants, but it she was doing a better job at it. She had gotten 4 out of the 16 of the orignals to forgive her and become her friend.

She still had a ways to go, but she could be paitent into regaining her lost friendships. Life for Balloon?

It was a bit rockier for... (hang on. Let me- ... Ah. Got it. Thank you narrator powers!)

It was a bit rockier for him in the beginning. But now? It became a big 180. He gained more friends and no longer was known as 'The Manipulative One'.

Balloon found love within the 2 people he had the most conflict with in season 2. And he couldn't be happier with this.

Back to the present now, Balloon was hanging out in his secret garden with his 3 lovers. He decided to reveal this garden to the 3 people he could trust the most. (Trophy knew long before he ran away, so techincally, 4 people knows about it.)

So that's where they are now, cuddling under a tree taking in the day. Everything to Balloon right there, felt perfect.

Until it was ruined with text from OJ informing everyone to head to the meeting room. After recieving the message, the others get up and make their way back to the hotel.

After a good 10 minutes, they all make it back to the hotel and enter.  They head over to the meeting room and walk in and sit down.

OJ makes his way to the stage to begin his meeting. It wasn't anything super big, just updates to what's to come to the hotel. 

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