Chapter 3: Letters and Chats

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*Small mention of depression*

*Balloon's P.O.V.*

*The next day*

I start blinking my eyes. I sit up and begin to yawn and stretch. Man. I'm still tired. I take a look at the time on my phone...

5:30 am!?

Well... It's nothing new. At least I woke up later than say 2 am. Knowing I can't go back to bed, I decided to just get up and start my day.

I decide that I'm going to go hangout downstairs since nobody is there at this time. Well, other than Trophy doing his morning jogs outside. So, I got dressed in a nice SALMON red sweater with some sweatpants. 

I head to the restroom to wash my face. In there, I see that I have tears staining my face, must've been crying in my sleep... again. *sigh*, I just go and wash my face and began brushing my hair. Since nobody ever goes down at this time, I decide to leave my hair down.

I leave the restroom and start heading towards the door. Before I leave, I grab my keycard from my counter. Finally, I began to head out and head towards the elevator.

I walk down the very long, creepy at night hallway as thoughts begin to creep up in my mind. Ugh, not NOW! I was feeling okay for once in my sad life! I didn't need these thoughts now! I try to shake them out, but luck didn't seem to be on my side. As usual.

I make it to the elevator and was about to reach for the button when I realize that I might wake somebody with it. Not wanting anybody to be upset with me, I take the stairs that are close to the elevator.

I make it down after about 3 minutes and head to the living room to find nobody there. Perfect! I leave and make my way towards the art studio, a new addition to the hotel so Paintbrush can be, well, Paintbrush! Just paint, draw, or sculpt away, an artist's pasttime.

I found the door to the art studio and opened the door carefully; I didn't want to wake anyone! I tiptoe in and close the door behind me gently. I turn the lights on to a nice dim, setting the mood to a nice comfortable feeling. 

I grab a canvas and set it on an easel. Next, I grab some paint. Black paint, blue paint, dark green, purple, white and SALMON red. I grabbed a plate so I can put my paint on. I grab paintbrushes and a cup of water and bring it back to my station.

I put the paint on the plate, grab a brush dunk it in one of the paint colors; the blue; and begin to paint. I'm not the greatest painter, but it's fun and it calms me when I'm down. I haven't been able to paint since, well, we never had paint; let alone a paint studio; before Paintbrush got elimnated.

I paint for what feels like hours before I put down my paintbrush and stand up to admire my finsihed produt. A beautiful nightsky with a salmon object sitting under a tree stargazing, getting away from other objects. I like it. 

I start putting everything away and put my work in a hidden area so nobody can find it. Even if they did, they wouldn't know who painted it, I didn't sign it; afraid I would get mocked at by my art. 

I began making my leave from the art studio and started making my way to the kitchen to get some 'breakfast' since I could right now. As I walk, I hear something in the kitchen; or more like SOMEONE! 

I panic as I take slow, shakey steps to the kitchen. I peek around the corner and I see... 


I started to walk away when I bumpped into a pan; that was left out for poor reasons. 

Oh no.... I was spotted....

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