Chapter 47: Friendships

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(*Guess who's back~? Enjoy~! A/N*)

*Trophy's P.O.V*

It's been about 2 hours since me and Balloon reunited.

We've just been watching Power Rangers the whole time. I'm not complaining however, it's like, one of my favorite shows.

Favorite 'season' would have to be-

"Trophy?", I hear a squeaky voice.

"Hm? Yea 'Loon?", I asked, being pulled out of my thoughts.

"I'm getting a little hungry...", he said.

"Oh! Here, I brought this for you. I.. heh. I brought this for no reason.", I said.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out some Spicy Nacho Cheese Doritos, one of Balloon's favorite chips.

I can see his eyes light up and his expression changed into a super happy expression. His smile being his most dominant feature.

God... I really missed that smile of his. So pure, innocent, and full of joy. It's like... It's like he doesn't even suffer from all the horrible shit he has...

"Oh my god!! Thanks Trophy!!", he exclaimed in glee.

".....Heh... No problem bud..", I said.

He grabs the bag of chips and eats them in absolute glee. My god.. I am going to boast about how much I missed this asshole for a long time.

"Hm? Are you okay Trophy?", Balloon asks.

"I'm okay little bud.. I'm just.. A little sentimental.", I confess.

"You too?", he suddenly asked.

He feels the same? Wait. Of course he does! We haven't seen each other in forever! Of course he feels like this!

"Heh.. That makes sense. We haven't seen each other in what feels like forever.", I say.

"It really does...", he mutters.

"Yea... I really missed us together..", I said.

"Me too....", he says.

Now I'm not really paying attention to the television. I'm just thinking more about the past.

Me and Balloon hanging out after school hours. Me taking him to my basketball games. My team taking Balloon in and making him an honorary member.

Man... So many memories of us during high school...

So many smiles Balloon brought to my life. So many tears we shed. So many laughs we laughed. 

I missed everything about it a lot. I was like Balloon, all depressed. I never really thought of it as depression, just a really sucky life.

I was a 'Jock'. I had to be tough, and act tough. I had to play sports and be the best at them. I had to live up to my 'father's' expectations.

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