Chapter 13: Hotel Drama

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*Mention of depression, self harm inflicted and mention of a hospital*

*Now that we've caught up with Balloon and now Taco.... how have things been at the hotel? let's find out!*

*OJ's P.O.V*

It's been a little over a week since Balloon's ran away. ......

A week. Wow. I..... I can't believe it.

..... A week full of nothing but guilt and dread in the hotel.

This was full on tourture for us in the hotel. Especially for me, being to manager of said hotel.

I was busy making dinner with Paper right now. Even though I didn't feel like cooking, we can't have take out everytime. We're making some omelettes for dinner. Yea. Breakfast for dinner. 

I had no clue what to make, so Paper suggested making breakfast for dinner. So. We settled on omelettes! It's going smoothing so far-

"Hey OJ.", Paper said, getting my attention.

"Yea Paper?", I respond back.

"Um..... the bacon is burning....", Paper muttered.

"Huh-?", I began before I started to smell the air.

I look back at the bacon I was making.... HOLY SHIT!!!!! THE BACON IS BURNING!!!

I quickly get the pan off the stove and use the spatula to get the bacon off the stove. I then place the bacon on a plate. Whew. I think I saved them....

"I think they're saved..... Thanks for that by the way!", I thanked Paper.

"It's no problem OJ! Always happy to help!", Paper exclaimed with glee.

"Let's keep going. We have a lot of bacon and eggs to use.", I said to Paper.

"Alrighty!", Paper said.

We got back to making the omelettes and bacon. Man. These omelettes smell great! A few minutes later and the omelettes and bacon are done! (With some bacon just a..... little burnt.....)

And just in time too! I see Nickel and Baseball start to walk in.

"Man! It smells good in here!", Nickel exclaimed while walking in the kitchen.

"It does. What did you two make?", Baseball asked coming in behind Nickel.

"We made omelettes today! We decided to have breakfast for dinner today.", Paper answered.

"We hope that's okay. We couldn't decided on what to make for dinner. So. Breakfast!", I add on.

"We don't mind. It's a nice change of pace!", Nickel said, grabbing a plate.

As they were grabbing an omelette and some.... semi-burnt bacon, some others begin to walk in the hotel. Each of them grabbing a plate of omelettes and bacon and going to either the dining room or the living room. 

I grab a plate for myself and head to the living room. I see that Pickle, Knife, Bomb and Paintbrush are watching tv. They're watching the Price is Right. I head to the couch and begin watching too.

"Man. These omelettes are the bomb!", Knife praised.

"Y-Y-Yea! T-Th-Th-Thanks O-O-OJ!", Bomb thanked.

"Heh. It's no problem guys.", I respond, a little flustered.

"Hey.... is anyone elses bacon kinda..... burnt?", Pickle asked.

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