Chapter 38: Unexpected Meet Up

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*Lifering's P.O.V*

I just got off the phone with OJ. I hate to skip work, but my nephew is important!

Alright, let me see if I have everything. Keys? Check! Wallet? Check! Flowers? Not yet. Emergency medical kit? Always a check! Breakfast? Um. No. Probably should go do that.

I walk out my house; which I share with my brother; and make sure I lock the door. Hold on! Is everything off!? I'm pretty sure all the lights and stuff are off.

Okay, let's go get some food. Hmm.... Where should I go? Fast food is a no, had that yesterday. Um... tacos? Nah.

Gosh, figuring out what to eat is hard when you're hungry! I continue to walk through the city, since we live rather close to the hostpital my brother lives at.

I walk more when I suddenly walk pass a bakery. Man, those sweets smell so good! Maybe I could get some for breakfast!

The name reads 'El Bolilo Bakery'. Oh! Sweet bread! I haven't had one of these in forever

I walk in and already... I want to buy everything. I was spying everything when-

"¡Hola!", I hear a woman say.

I look over and see two women. An older one; who greeted me. And, a woman who was putting some of the sweet bread up. My goodness, she looks lovely.

"Oh! ¡Hola!", I greet back.

"¿Estás aquí para comprar pan dulce?", she asked.

"¡Sí!", I replay.

"¿Tú hablas español?", she asked.

"Ah. No... No se mucho español.", I answer back.

"Oh. No hay problema. Tengo otro que te puede ayudar a la hora de pagar.", she said.

"Bueno. Gracias.", I thank.

(*Thank you Google Translate.... -A/N*)

(*I'll post translations in the comments! -A/N*)

I go ahead and start grabbing some sweet bread with the tongs and placing them on the tray. I grab a good 12 and went up to pay.

"Hello! I'll be registering your sweets today!", the other woman said.

"Thank you. How is your morining going?", I asked her.

"Oh. It's going well! Thank you for asking. How about you?", she asked.

"It's going alright. I got news that my nephew was in hospital, so I'm off to visit!", I said, a little upset.

"Oh dear! I'm sorry to hear that hun! I hope he get's better!", she said with worry.

"Don't worry! My brother is a doctor, he's taking care of his son! I'm sure of it!", I said.

"That's great to hear! Anyways. Is this your first time shopping with us?", she asked.

"Um. Yea! It is.", I answer.

"Awesome! Well, as a special perk of coming here for the first time. I'll give you a 50% discount!", she exclaimed.

"Oh ma'am! You don't have to do that! I'm fine paying full price!", I protested.

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