Chapter 43: Slow to Forgive

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(*Late post! I was busy reading an Octonauts book... No shame! -A/N*)

*Right after leaving Balloon alone with Suitcase*




*Taco's P.O.V*

I winked at Balloon as I was near the door to leave the room. Their face goes into a full on blush as I smirk.

With that, I left the room. There was a reason I did this. Well... two reasons actually.

1. To let Balloon reconnect with Suitcase (and maybe to get him to confess).

And 2. I just wanted to talk to Mic in private.

To say I was nervous was.... an understatement.

I haven't talked to Mic in... fuck it feels like forever!

I wanted to give this time to apologized to Mic. I had spent the last 3 days making plans to finally apologize to Mic, Pickle, and just about everyone from season 1.

I didn't have time to ask Balloon for any type of help, but that was fine. I wanted Balloon to stay in that postive mindset. 

Dr. Fizz told me that Balloon had always been insecure, so I understood that I needed to help Balloon with that while being here. So I didn't bother them with anything.

That, and I wanted- no... NEEDED to do this on my own. I needed to do this, for my sake.

I wanted to make things right. I don't care if they don't accept my apology. I just wanted to say how sorry I was for hurting them all.

"So... Where are we going?", I hear Mic ask.

I was pulled out of my thoughts and looked up at her. Damn, I really am short.

"Eh. Anywhere honestly.", I replied.

"Alright. But is there a reason for leaving Balloon with Suitcase?", she asked.

I smirk at that question. 

"I think you know why Microphone.", I slyly remark.

She thinks for a minute and then does an 'ooh' face. (:o)

"Oh. So they can reconnect?", she wanted to confirm.

"Yep. Just like we are of sort.", I confirm.

"Got it.", she said.

We continue to walk to where ever we were going. If I'm being honest? I have no clue where to go. Maybe the cafeteria?

Yea, that sounds good. I am getting a little hungry anyways. So, we head to the elevator and head down to the 1st floor.

"Hey.", I hear Mic call out.

"Hm?", I hummed.

"Um... I-it's n-nothing..", she stuttered.

"Oh.. alrighty then.", I say.

I wonder what she wanted to ask or say? Oh well I suppose.

We continue to stand there in silence. A VERY awkward silence. This was so weird...

Why Stay When No one Cares?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora