Chapter 39: Problem

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March 29, 2003

Father and I are still fastened to our seats. Both of us, upside down. I tried to remove my seat belt but I can't, it's stuck. I looked at my father, he's unconscious but I can see blood dripping from his head. I tried to check him but I can't. I'm not able to move my body well. I'm upside down. My face stings. Shards of glass cut my face when it got ruptured. Luckily, my eyes seem to be fine. I just closed my eyes tightly when the car was tumbling. 

"Pa, yo-you o-okay?" I gasped when I saw him. I know, it's a very dumb question, but it's the only words I managed think of as I watch my father in horror...

"Alvy..." My father faintly spoke. Even if my father's badly hurt, he thinks of me first. He cares so much for me than he cares for his own self. I tried to remove my seat belt again but I still can't. My poor hands were cut and are still pierced by the shards of glass. Blood is oozing out of it.

A fireman appeared out of nowhere. "Sir! Let's get you out of here fast! The bridge is about to collapse!" He went to my father's side but my father pointed at me instead.

"No, save my son first." He asked the fireman and the fireman nodded immediately. He ran to my side and cut my seat belt. He slowly pulled me out of the car and he carried me across his shoulder.. My mind is spinning. Though my vision is blurry, I saw how my father smiled at me widely, like it will be his very last.

"Pa..." I weakly called for him. I lifted my hand, trying to reach for him. I watched how he was trapped inside while I was being carried away to safety. My eyes are starting to close, and I feel my body collapsing, but I refused to do so. I wanted to go back to my father. I wanted to save him.

"How about my father?..." I asked the fireman who saved me.

"I'll go back for him..." The fireman smiled at me before placing me on the stretcher. Some medics assisted me. The fireman tried to run back to the site of the accident but some men tried to stop him. Some medics were telling me something but I didn't understand whatever they were saying. I just focused on the site of the accident.

"The bridge is about to fall! You can't go back there!" I can here one man shouted at the fireman who saved me. The fireman pushed the man away and was about to run but things happened too fast. The bridge collapsed, and everything under it got buried, including my father. I promptly got up and tried to run back to my father but the fireman pulled and stopped me.

The man whom I adored since I was little. The man who loved us unconditionally. The man who would just pat my back then I'll be able to smile again.  The man who I always looked up to. The man who I wanted to be when I grow up. My father. Buried. Under the pile of cement.

"PAPA! PAPA! Someone! Please! Save my father!"

No matter how much I cry. No matter how loud I shout. No one listened to my pleading. No one dared to save my father. No one. I continued shouting. Pleading. Someone. Just please save my father. Please. Lord. Please.

I slowly collapsed on the floor. I heard shouts. I heard cries. People were running around. The fireman was saying something but I couldn't understand. Then, just like that, everything went black.

—- —- —-

I tried to remove my seat belt but I can't, it's stuck. I looked at my father, he's unconscious but I can see blood dripping from his head. I tried to check him but I can't. I'm not able to move my body well. I'm upside down. My face stings. Shards of glass cut my face when it got ruptured. Luckily, my eyes seem to be fine. I just closed my eyes tightly when the car was tumbling. 

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