Wedding Bells will ring | 84

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GUYS....I love you...I love you all from the bottom of my heart, and although it may seem like I'm saying this is a jokestier type of way, I really do. I appreciate those who have read 84 chapters of my love story, those who comment, those who vote, those who view, and those who support. It has been a long journey that has been going on since April 13 2023, and it's almost 2024. Can you believe it? Anyways, I love you guys, and if you want to read the next book, I'll be posting it seconds after this chapter for you all to read.



(quick little thing before the story starts *

We need Cloudia for the wedding, she is Wally's mother after all, so after he worked up the courage, he went inside of my necklace to meet with her.

" Hi mom..." He murmured under his breath, but just enough for her to hear. " M-my baby....!" She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him crying.

" You've grown up so much, my baby...I'm glad you've found someone to love you just as much as I do..." Cloudia smiled warmly. " Thank you....I'm so happy that I'm at a loss of words, but I was wondering if I could invite you to my wedding. It would make me really happy if you could come...?" He let go of her and handed her an invitation. " I would love to...!"


Today is the day! Today is the day! Today, I will be getting married to my beloved.

Since there barely are any girls here, we won't be doing traditional brides maids or none of that stuff because who even needs those special titles anyway?

Anywho, my brides makds are Sally, Jullie, Female Wally, RF Wally, and a few others. My neighbors of honor are Poppy and DeadShot, of course. They both mean so much to me.

Wally's groomsmen are Oppisite, Eddie, Howdy, Frank, Irish Wally, and some others. His man of honor is Barnaby, duh! He couldn't be left out of this wedding.

Our paster is Bob because his owners are both Pasters themselves, and he has learned a lot from them always speaking at weddings and such.

" Y/n, you look wonderful..." Poppy sighed in awe when she saw me in my dress with my hair all fancy along with makeup. " Thank you, Poppy, I wouldn't have done it without you...!" I smiled and hugged her.

" You can look now, DeadShot. " I giggled. His eyes were closed because he wanted to respect my privacy. " All I can say is drop dead gorgeous."

Now, the brides maids and I were just talking about how excited we were until Sally began to pound in the door.

" It's time!" She exclaimed. We then all got in our places and waited for the cues for us to walk out.

Since my mother nor father is here, I walked with Poppy and it's hard to belive but I was literally tearing up, like, I wish I was wearing a smile or something, but I wasn't, and I can say the same for Wally.

At the end of the isle, there stood Wally bawling out crying, even more than me. His nose spot was also snotty, which could be because of Bob or me, but who cares?

When I got to the stand Wally and I could barely look at each other, but a few minutes after clearing away are snot and tears we began talking.

Bob turned to us on his podium and flipped to a page in his Bible.

" Let us pray...O' Almighty God, you have created us all in the image of Love, the image of Yourself. Bless now, these two who stand before you. Guide them in your wisdom, shine your light upon them, that as they journey through this life together, they will walk as bearers of your Truth. And we all say Amen..." Everyone said Amen in unison, and now it was time for the vows.

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