Planning | 81

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Guys, I just really need to apologize for the slow updates. It's just that school work is piling up, along with this Olay I'm auditioning for, and just life in general. Also, no that I think about it I'm getting sadder by the second that this book is coming to an end, and I know that I say it at the end of each chapter, but it's gonna be a whole different premise in the second book. It's still fun but different. I don't want to spoil it, although it's not like anyone's gonna read it tbh. You guys are the only people I have left, but that's kinda my fault for making an almost 100 chapter book. Others are still reading it, but they're reading the beginning, and many have stopped because of how long it is, so I just wanna thank you all for your support and dedication ❤️❤️❤️




Weddings are something really big and important. You need to know everything that will happen down to the atom, no suprises are ever wanted.

It's just that Home can shapeshift into whatever he wants, therfore the original plan was to have the  wedding in him, but him turning out to be evil and all Wally baricated him shut, then put a lock on him, and every since that momment he's been rattling around like a snake. It's very annoying, but that's what they had to do in order to keep Home locked up and far away from us...or should I say Damien...?

Anyways, weddings are important and need lots of planning, and sometimes it can get people stressed out....really stressed out....

"!" I snapped my fingers. " I don't think that -"

" Now!" Poppy stood up and ran to get me my coffee, regreting her previous words.

Yeah, it was so stressful that I yelled at Poppy... I did apologize afterward, but still. Luckily, she understood and helped me through it....also... Don't think that the wedding has happened yet because it has'nt. I still need to get a dress, pick out treats and food, make the guest list, find a location, get a music selection, and way more.

I am getting help, but it's still very stressful.

Another really hard thing about this wedding is that a lot of the things we need is inside of Home, like important documents, meaning we need to find a way inside without getting trapped, or letting Damein out. I decided to sacrifice myself because I won't get hurt like the other will, so I might as well go.

After getting a few more protection charms from RF Wally, I went into Home by busting a back window with a rock. It made me grin, thinking of more ideas to damage the building while I was inside.

From what Wally had told me, the important documents were inside of his study, which I didn't even know he had, but it was in his room and activated but a secret lever that was on his bookshelf.

The inside of Home was dark except for  the front door, which had a shadowy figure surrounded by colorful light, pounding on the door.

I somehow crept by, ignoring Damien, and made it to Wally's room, but when I tried the lightswitch, it didn't work, and neither was my lantern. Now, there was no way to tell what book unless....

I clutched the crystal that Wally gave me and quietly chanted, " Mind-Space," three times.

As expected, I appeared in the Mind-Scape and walked right over to Wally and Cloudia.

" Hi Cloudia and Wally. Sorry that it's been a while since our last encounter. Some things have happened since then. Wally and I are getting married, and I was wondering if you two would like to come... especially you..." I geistured over towards Cloudia. " I-....I don't know if I'm ready yet...what if he forgot about me...?" She asked me, wearing a worried expression.

" It is pretty nice in here, yknow. I bet I could even plan a fake wedding here, so I don't even have to attend....! " Cloudia clapped her hands, but I could see past her fake dementor.

" Listen, if you're not ready, then I won't be the one to make you come, but if not me, then Wally will." I warned her, causing her to squeal. " Okay... I have to prepare, though..." Cloudia smiled and pointed to an empty space, causing a house to appear. She then said her goodbyes and went off to do whatever she was doing.

" I'll help her out. Also, was there anything else you wanted?" He asked. " Actually, yes. So Wally had this study that's hidden behind a bookshelf, and I was wondering if you could help me find it.

" Sure!" Wally perked up and took ahold of my hand.  I then teleported us back into Wally's room, and he pointed to a book that I couldn't see, but it was the right one because before I knew it, I was in a whole new place.

The room was dimly lit up by three candles, which is strange because no one was in here for a while.

There was a desk with an apple shaped rolling chair, some two bookshelves, and a few paintings across the walls.

The paintings were 'The Birth of Adam', 'Girl with pearl earing', 'Mona Lisa', ' Starry Night', and a few others, but they were all replaced with either Wally, me, or an Apple.

Just as I was going to check out some papers on Wally's desk, the apple shaped chair spun around.

" Well, well, well...look what the cat dragged in...." A familiar voice called out. I couldn't see the person in the chair all the way. The only notable features were his slicked back hair and mask.

I ignored the boy, assuming he was Damien, and began to look for the documents.

" I said...Well we'll well look what the cat dragged in....!" He raised his voice angrily, but I still didn't care. The faster I got this over with, the faster I could get to safety.

I found some papers that were blueprints of the rings and a few different ones that were legal stuff, so I grabbed it and turned to leave before Damien let out a scream.

" NO ONE IS LEAVING YOU DISRESPECTFUL RAT!" I can't believe he just insulted me. Rude, right. Then Damien got up and charged at me, but I somehow I picked him up and threw him over the shoulder across the room!

I then quickly made sure I had everything and dashed out of there. I didn't want any more dangerous encounters for the day.


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