Frustration | 13

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It's not like I didn't like spending time with Wally, it's just always nice to have time to myself, y'know? The first thing I wanted to do alone is take a nice warm shower. The first thing I did was of course, getting my stuff ready, taking off my clothes, and step in the shower. The warm water hit my perviously cold body. It felt so relaxing, especially because of the events with Home. I don't understand why he was being so who would throw someone through the ceiling? I wonder if Wally knew this, or if he thought it was entertaining, he's just like that.

" You're alive! I thought that one of those freak shows would've thrown you into their oven by now, especialy the blue haired one. "

Bob's strange words rung throughout my head over and over again. Why would someone here even hurt me, they all look so friendly...adleast everyone I've met exept for Home that is. Oh Wally......he feels different than the others. Maybe more aware? I really like with such nice hair wouldn't put me in an oven...and his His fur kinda suites him....and his outfit. No matter what he wears he always looks elegant, yet kind. Also his persona...amazing. Literlly, where was he when I was in highschool! If there was a handsome guy he would be rude, and a wonderful guy, really ugly.

" Wait...Wally being handsome? Haha, what a silly thought...I kinda told him that already, didn't I? Ugh...I must've seemed like an idiot in the moment. " I told myself aloud but suddenly heard my alarm ring from the counter. The only reason it would be ringing was if it was 12:00, how much time did I spend in the shower?

I noticed that I had somehow already threw my washing towel in the hamper. I was so lost in thought...


After putting on my real pj's, I climbed into bed and slid underneath the blankets. It was warm, but at the same time, it felt so empty. I slightly peaked around the room and tried to look for the Wally puppet, but it wasn't in the room with me, maybe the attic though. I shut my eyes and tried to fall alseep, but I kept thinking of Wally no matter how hard I tried to shut him out. It was so frustraiting and the only thing I could think about was going to get the puppet, even though he might not move or speak, it's comforting.

I slowly stood up and tiptoed to the attic for some strange reason, but I still went with it. Once I got up to the attic I quickly grabbed the puppet and squezzed it tightly in a hug. It's decided...I'm going to go back, I'm pretty sure I just need to say the magic words thought, adleast that's what I think.

I sat the blue haired puppet down carefully on the ground and started trying to remember it. " Comeabeahn....Homeeeee, Dati noki leave....Comeeheere...?" I said outloud, waiting for something to happen, although it didn't. How annoying. Or maybe it just wasn't that, maybe...

" I think it was something like Comeabeahn Homee....Homedi....Homeamadeshi, Doki Noti Leaf....Comeabeahn...." I chanted about three times, but didn't work. I let out an frustraited sigh before seeing colors flash from the tv. " What, did it wor-AHHHHHH"


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