Explain | 71

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" And so I broke up with him before he could break up with me...." I cried into Poppy's shoulder.

" Awww, honey...I'm so sorry that that happened....I'm gonna have to slap some sense into that boy!"

Poppy then left to go talk to Wally, I'm assuming..


" Ow, ow, please, cut it out, Poppy!"

" Who do you think you're talking to with that tone?"

" I-I'm sorry..!!!"

A few minutes later, Poppy returned with a roll of newspaper in her hand. " Alright, all taken care of....It's just that...that doesn't seem like something Wally would do. I tottaly belive you though, you are my favorite person in the neighborhood...it's just...did you ask him about it?" Poppy sat down next to me. " I mean, yeah, I heard it with my own ears, let alone another person told me. Oh, ad I heard it more that four times, it's pretty obvious that that's what he meant!" I groaned, not at Poppy, but at Wally.

" I get it, you're angry and don't at all wanna see him, but I think that you should really talk to him..just once. I know that it'll make you feel better. Trust me about it. You know how my parents were, and so after I snuck out and went to the city they talked to me and I talked to them after refusing. It suprisingly made me feel much better. If you talk to him about it then he'll know how you truly feel, and then you two can talk about just being friends or something." Poppy instructed, which didn't make since, but I did need an excuse to be able to talk to the Wally's that live underground, so I decided on listening.

It's just that it can't possibly be that easy. I need to come up with senarios that could possibly be said by him. For example, he could eat me, I know that there is a very good chance that that could happen...he does that a lot to people, and we all know that.

Wally could ignore me, or throw me into the Void, or many other things...I'm just quite nervous, but I need to stay tough, and strong, and myself....actually maybe not myself, but I can't keep stalling, I just need to stop being all nervous....

After the 47 minute pep-talk in my head, I marched right over to Home and knocked on the door until Wally came and opened up the door, but what I saw was shocking.

" Y-Y-----Y/n.....?"

Wally was crying, which is pretty normal, he does cry a bit, but he was also frowning. That's right, frowning! Wally doesn't frown, which makes this so not good, but still....I'm broken up with him now, so I can't care.

It looked like Wally as about to reach out and give me a hug, but instead he slammed the door in my face!

" Oh my gosh, Wally, you better open up this door I swear, because If you don't, I will burn down your house!" I yelled, banging on the door until Wally opened the door again, although the inside of Home was cold, dark, the silence was loud, and honestly kinda scary...

" W-Wally.....Home....turn on the lights......" I shivered, walking through the dark house which seemed more like a forest, because I'm pretty sure I heard a few animals and see a few trees.

" Come on out, guys...this isn;t funny...!" I called out into the dark, having to literlly squint just so I wouldn't trip over a rock or loose stick.

I kept walking until I got to a bridge where there was a lake underneath.

For a few minutes I stayed there, admiring the sight until I spotted a tree with a heart carved into it.

After trying to fidgure out what kind of prank this was, I heart footsteps behind me..although they weren't Wally's, because Wally doesn't have any footsteps.

I saw a strange stick in the grass in front of me and tried to pick it up as a weapon, but it wouldn't budge, to the point where it was worse than a game of tug-of-war. " Oh my gosh, what the heck?!" I groaned, still pulling at the stick, until something wrapped around my wrist and started pulling me down. " Let me go!" I screamed, but got pulled down into the hole...


a little familiar?

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