Kicked out | 11

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. Y/N




Sally was such an interesting person with her beaming personality. Get it? Beaming, because she's a sun? She gave me a tour of her whole house, which was mostly a circus, but had a few rooms that a house would have, like a kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom.

" So, Y/n, where's your house at?" Sally asked with a bright smile. " Oh, um, back on Earth. " I answered. " Wait, you sure? You didn't get a home the second you stepped foot in here? " She raised a brow and got out a telescope the reached threw the top of the ceiling, and keep in mind, she took that out of her pocket.

" No...? That's how it works here?" I asked, causing her to break out into laughter. " Y/n you sure are funny aren't you! But you know what's strange? The mountains aren't opened yet. It's not that time of how did you get here?" Sally's once cheerful dementor disappeared and was replaced with a more serious one. " My friend Wall -"  " You don't gotta say his name, we could've just done curades...!" She covered my mouth and looked around in what seemed like fear.

She then began to sob on my shirt, and it went on for a while. " It's okay, Sally. Wal-....Blue Haired guy is really nice...although I can't say the same for his house..." I scoffed on that last part. " Why don't you want me to say his name? " I raised a brow as she pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket, the same one that the giant telescope was in.

" W-when you say h-his name three ti-times...he appears..." Sally told me as she whipped away her tears. " Anywho, you have to go now, I have circus acts to practice, buh-bye!" Sally yelled and literally pushed me out of the house. " People in this neighborhood sure love doing that, don't they..." I sighed and looked around.

" Meow!"

I quickly turned my head around to see that black cat from the first day I was here.

" Oh my gosh, you're alive!" He trotted over to me. " Alive? Why wouldn't I be alive?" I looked down at him. " I thought that one of these freak shows would've thrown you in their ovens by now, especially the blue haired one. " He chuckled in his little accent.

" I've never asked, but what's your name? Mines Y/n. " I shook his paw. " Bob..." He looked down with a weird expression. " That's not what I heard when the neighbors call for you, more like," Booby! Booby where are youuuu? " I broke out into laughter because of the imitation.

" They do not sound like that...adleast I don't think so...although I hate them, I really miss my home. Have you been here the whole time?" Bob changed the subject. " No, Wally kinda drugged me on the first day, then I was gifted these tapes that is a show of this place, when I played them Wally appeared, and then he made me this necklace that allows me to stay here without dying or something like that, then I came back today. " I explained.

" Y/N! " I heard a familiar voice and turned behind me. " You left me and Home to hand out with a rodent? How could you, I told you to stay put...!" Wally looked at me then the cat then back at me. " I didn't leave on purpose, I was sitting on the couch the he shot me through the roof!" I almost yelled. " Well then, that's a silly excuse but we'll leave it at that, come on now!" Wally said before pulling me off back to Home.


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