Explosions | 82

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I shouldn't have broken that window... you know why? Because. Now Damien has gotten out piece by piece and is reaking havoc.

How so?

Oh, only by ruining all of the outfits for the wedding, which is very frustrating because Poppy had made outfits for everyone, and by everyone, I mean from every Wally to Bob, and to put the icing on the cake he took away her measurement notes so she would have to check everyone again.

And before you say that it's  simple for the Wally's...no it's not. Not all of the Wally's have the same body type. For example, Butcher Wally is ripped and has the body of a model. Rainbow Factory Wally has a dad bod, although he is working towards changing that.

Anywho, that's besides the point. The point is that Poppy is being overworked, so we had to find Designer Wally so that he could help out, but again, this would be a long process.

It would take way too long to recreate everything, so I decided on making the outfits for everyone 10 times easier.

Instead of full-blown wedding outfits, everyone would bring in an outfit of their own, but Poppy and Desighner Wally would tailor it to be appropriate for a wedding. Cool, right? Wally and I are still gonna wear traditional wedding attire, of course, but we decided on white outfits splashed with rainbow paint.

Oh, and some of the Wally's are trying to work on the portal so that it could be stable enough for everyone to go back and forth. It's so nice to see how-

" AHHHHHH!" I heard screams coming from outside and ran out. A few different Wally's were being pulled into Home by some black ink like substance.

As you all know me, I dashed over to save them... literally. I literally dashed over there like Sonic the Hedgehog and was basically playing tug of war to get them back.

It was pretty intense, but overall, I won.

" Yay, Y/n, you're a hero!" Sally latched on to me. " Not really, haha..." I smiled as she let go of me.

" This situation is getting out of control... next thing we know, he'll be dragging people down there. We need to make sure Wally hears no word of this or else he'll come out of meditation. " I sighed.

What could I do to stop this? Patching up the window wouldn't really help. Because he's already made his way out, and neither would baracating it, so maybe I could try to use some of that strange magic of mine.

I know that I could run super fast, pick up heavy objects, and throw people, but maybe I could do other things, like making a forse field, or maybe even just repairing things by the touch.

After having a pep talk with myself, I walked over to the broken window and tapped it three times, seeing if anything would happen, and it did... just not how I expected.

The spot where I had touched had caught on fire, and while it was a small flame, it was still fire.

I didn't really know if I should put out the fire or not, giving it would probably eliminate all danger, this still is Wally's home, but before I could decide, the fire had grown large and surrounded a whole wall.

" Everyone, run, it's a fire!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, and luckily, no one questioned my authority.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Damien's shadow moving explosives, trying to avoid the fire in front of him.

I felt kinda bad, but couldn't help but watch...but the more I thought about it, there's so many bombs in there that it would probably spread across the neighborhood, and I would be responsible, so I had to try and stop it from happening.

I decided on trying to burry Home underground so that when he exploded, it wouldn't really do much damage.

I dug my finger in the ground and then ran around Home in a circle until I dug him in a ditch.

Now, I just had to try and make something around it to take away the damage.

I drew a circle in the sky, hoping that something would happen, but I did hear a loud thud, so maybe, but then seconds later, Home exploded.

It was a lovely sight. I swear I could hear that music that plays whenever something catastrophic happens in a movie.

Home blew up like fireworks, and the fire didn't spread anywhere, so I guess my forse field did work, huh?


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