Curiosity Killed the Cat | T W O

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I was in a bush with pink and purple flowers, which all had faces. They were also giggling and whispering random things about me like; Look at her hair, it looks like a birds nest!, She looks lost., Shes pretty ugly, isn't she?, and other rude things. Suddenly, I felt a little flower bite me on the elbow. " Ouch, you dumb ol' flowers! " I yelled in pain and jumped out of the bush. Da*m, what were their problems?

" Meow "

Huh, was there a cat?

" Meow "

I heard and saw a black cat walk out of the bush, slowly but surely. It sure did look abnormal here, but that's only because of this colorful place. I really wanted to pet the cute little feline, but back in the real world, outside of this dream, I was very disliked by animals, so I probably was in this dream too. But...this is a dream, I can do what I want in dreams, so it's worth it. " Come here, little thing. Do you know what this place is?" I questened the cat, not expecting it to answer, so I didn't get an answer. " Looks like you don't belong here either. " I smiled at it since it allowed me to pick it up. " This place sure is colorful, huh? Maybe I should be around for directions..." I sure felt pretty crazy talking to myself.

The closest building to me was a red house with a blue roof. It looked pretty friendly. With the cat in my arms, I knocked on the door.

" Hellooooo~" A male greeted and opened the door, causing me to jump. The male had yellow skin, blue hair in a bee-hive style, and some rainbow pajaimas. " O-Oh..I'm sorry, were you sleeping?" I quickly asked, hopping that I didn't wake the stranger. " Nope, I was already awake!" He gave me a smile. " Sorry to bother you, but where might I be right now?" I wondered. " Curiosity Killed The Cat, y'know? Haha, just kiding. Come on inside before you catch a cold!" He smiled and pulled me into his house, sitting me down on a couch. I could tell the cat was a bit shaken from what he had said.

" So, I'm Wally Darling, what's your name? " The guy I now know as Wally introduced himself. " I'm Y/n L/n..." I answered nervously. " Well, that's a pretty name. Also...why did I invite you in again...? Oh, right! You're in home, at home, your new home! " Wally exlaimed. " Home? " I questined in confusion. " Yeah, that's the town name and my houses name. Go ahead and wave Home. Don't be shy! " Wally tapped his foot on the ground. We sat there for a few more seconds before the floor boards randomly creeked, and the curtains started to move slowly. " Aren't you supposed to wave when someone waves at you? " Wally tilted his head and pointed towards the moving curtains. " Oh um...hello...?" I waved at the curtains.

" You brought with you? Why would you do something like that?" Wally let out a nervous chuckle as the cat started making a clawing motion and staring at Wally's hair. " I didn't, adleast I don't think so...I just found him in the bush I woke up in. " I replied and raised a brow. " I just made a fresh batch of lemonade last night. Would you want a glass?" Wally smiled and began to stand up. " Sure, thanks! "

" I don't like that funny looking man. Something seems off about him. " Someone whispered. Wait, who was there.
" I'm down here, human. " The cat on my lap spoke and sat up. He had a british accent. " I guess you aren't normal..." I whispered back. " I am normal! Very normal, it's just that I can talk in this place for some strange reason..." He let out a sigh. " Okay, here's the lemonade~ And I'm very sorry to request this of you, but could you maybe put the feline else where? It's just that I have ' Achoo! '.....Allergies..." Wally sneezed, then whipped his nose with a hanchercheif. " S-sure, I'll set him outside for the time being, sorry. "

I walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. " Home, do not be rude to our guest! Let her out! " Wally called out and stomped his foot on the ground, making the door fly open.

" Don't worry little cat, I'll be back to get you soon."  I whispered and sat him outside, earning a scoff from him. After I stepped inside and the door shut loudly behind me. " Thank you, I really appreciate it. " Wally thanked me and crossed his legs. I then grabbed my glass and took a sip of the yummy drink. " Wow, Mr. Darling, this tastes really great! " I spoke and drunk up the drink. I suddenly started to feel tired, like so tired that I began to yawn and rest my head on the couch.

" I hope you liked your stay, make sure to visit again Y/n, but don't worry, if you forget, I'll make sure to come and get you~"

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