Friends with benifits | 51

761 28 22

Sorry about the really slow updates, I know it's not a good excuse but camp has got me really busy so sorry ;-;


TW: Mentions of Guns



Everything has been going quite well lately to be 100% honest. It was even better now that I had My Wally and Deadshot by my side.

It's just that I would prefer if they didn't always fight with each other 24/7, but it's fine as long as they don't hurt eachother. There was this strange thing that Wally would do though. Every night he would leave out and go somewhere, but he would never answer me or Home when we asked...but by morning, he would be there, by my side.

It doesn't really matter though, I was just glad that I had my friend back.

At the moment, me, DeadShot, and Wally were having a tea party with Jullie...I could tell it was going to be a weird tea party.

Well, at first it was only supposed to be with Jullie and I, but one Wally found out and planned on going, but then the other found out about it...Then they both invited themself to go without permision i'll have you know. The weird part about it was the fact that they didn't want Jullie finding out that there were multipule of them, so every few minutes they wanted to switch themself out.

" Hiya, Y/n! And...Wally..." Jullie waved, but turned her nose up as saying Wally's name. " Come on you two, take a seat..." She smiled and handed us both a cup. " Sugar, anyone?" Jullie asked extending out 3 cubes of sugar on a plate. "Yes plea-"

I spoke, but then DeadShot snatched the small plate out of Jullies hand.

He began to inspect each sugar cube, sniffing them before he pulled some sort of detective case out of his pocket, dusting each one off.

" What are you uhm...doing...Dead-...Wally..?" I asked nervously, elbowing him to calm down. " I'm inspecting it for poison, idiot...!" He shushed me, trying to keep focus. " Wally! What's with your foul behavior?!" Jullie slammed her hands down on the table in anger? " You shouldn't be cursing at Y/n like that, she did nothing wrong!" Jullie frowned but soon after did some five minute medatation, trying to calm down.

I then looked down at the ground only to see Wally harshly tugging on DeadShot's leg. Probably to switch.

I didn't want Jullie to see what was going on, so I leaned over to DeadShot to whisper in his ear.

" Don't be unfair, DeadShot. You can come back later! " I whisper yelled, slapping his shoulder. Luckily he listened.

DeadShot rolled off the chair stealthy and then Wally replaced his spot on the seat, a big smile upon his face.

" I really must apoligize, Jullie. I have no idea what the problem was with me...I honestly must be catching something. Anywho...Let's continue this little party..." Wally cleared his throat, and then picked up the tea pot.

" Ladies first. " He nodded and held up the pot, pouring Jullies, mines, then his last. " You said you wanted sugar cubes, correct?" Wally asked me, holding out the plate. " Yep!" I smiled, taking one and carefuly putting it into my cup.

You know that whole thing about good things never lasting forever?  Yeah, that still stands.

The second I took a sip of the tea, I spit it out in disgust.

" Yuck, why the heck does it taste like cardboard?" I threw the cup down, crinkling my nose. " Y/n..." Jullie looked at my face with concern. " This is all of my fault, Jullie...She's not from here as you know, and her body hasn't developed to our food everything she's been having home cooked meals and hasn't yet to try things from here.." Wally waved the air with an eye closed smile. " But what about Poppy's pancakes...? Also I'm pretty sure she ate a cupcake of mine..." Jullie mummbled. " They are probably made with love...Who am I kidding...I know for sure they're made with love. Especially my food. " Wally smirked, leaning on my shoulder.

" Wally...I noticed something diffrent with you ever since Y/n had gotten here. You haven't been spending as much time with the negibors as much." Her frown increased to grow, I think I even saw a tear in her eye. " I haven't spent any less time with you guys than usual, but if I had it's for making up time for Y/n." Wally cooed and took a hold of my hand which was previously resting on the table, causing Jullie to fume.

" Wally, what do you see in this idiot? I have been your friend for a long time! Always baking for you, and caring for you that one time you were sick....I even welcomed Y/n with warm arms, yet you don't love me!" Jullie once again slammed her hands down on the table, making me jump. She then jumped on the table and takled me down.

" What the heck is wrong with you, get off of me!" I yelled trying to push Jullie off, but for some reason she was strong for a puppet.

Out of the corner of my eye I swore I could see Wally about to eat Jullie with his magic eye powers, but I shook my head no.

A few seconds later I saw some kind of static surrounding us, and then heard some gun shots. The gun shots were from DeadShot, and luckily I moved out of the way in time or else I would've got shot. I know for a fact Jullie did though, because she was twitching afterwards.

" You estupido! What if you shot me?" I pinched DeadShot as soon as he got to an arm distance lenght. " Wally, was she always like that? " I raised a brow, poking Jullie's body with a stick. " I dunno." He shrugged. " Looks like someone might have a crush on little ol' Wally over here." I smirked, until I cut it out, remebering the moments I had had with him in the past.

Well it's not like I like him or anything, and it's not like he likes me. We are just friends with benifits...


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