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It's late at night, and I came home late from work.
I was expecting Renjun to be asleep already, but I double checked, and yes, I was right, he was already sleeping.

I went back to the kitchen to grab something to eat and saw that he had made me dinner, which I gladly ate.

After dinner, I went and did my night routine, now Im ready for bed.
It was a really tiring day at work today, I hope I sleep well tonight.

I went under the blanket and cuddled beside Renjun.
He was in deep sleep that I did not want to ruin, so I just laid on his chest and closed my eyes.
"No please!" My boyfriend cries in his sleep. "No, don't leave me." He continues.

I wake up to Renjun's cries.
I set up leaning against the headboard grabbing my phone to check the time, and as I was about to go back to bed I saw a tear fall from his eye.
"Please, please, please." He mumbles.

This happens a lot.
I wish I could help him more, but the only thing I can do is hold him in my arms until he stops crying and wakes up.

Suddenly, Renjun sits up beside me, his body sweaty.
"Hey." I say it softly, putting a hand on his shoulder.
He looks at me with pleading eyes before pulling me into a tight hug.
"I thought I had lost you." He whispers.
"I would never leave," I say.
"When I went to bed, I was overthinking about the things that happened since you came late, and I guess I got a nightmare again," he says, looking down.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm completely fine, and I'm right beside you," I reassure him as he sighs.

"Let's go to sleep now, ok?" You say softly as he nods.
We lay back down, and this time Renjun lays on my chest as I play with his hair.
"I'm right here, love. I'm right here." I see as I watch his eyes close.

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