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You had a cold boy best friend, Jaehyun.
You two have been friends since elementary school, and you've developed a huge crush on him but never been able to confess because of how cold he is.

You always thought that he never liked you and just wanted to stay friends, which made you never confess.

One day, you two were outside of
school, waiting for a school bus to pick you guys up.

It was you, Jaehyun, and two other boys behind you.

It was really windy outside, and you forgot to bring a jacket.

"When is this bus going to come?" You ask, shivering, and Jaehyun suddenly chuckles.

"Don't think I'm giving you my jacket," he teases.
"I don't need it anyway," you responded.
and you could see his dumb smirk.

Still shivering, you just decided to deal with it. You looked on your phone and saw that the school bus was 2 minutes late.

All of a sudden, a boy who you know likes you decides to come up to you and offer you his jacket.

"Y/N, you can take my jacket," he says, making you smile at his kind offer, but before you could say anything, Jaehyun started taking off his jacket while saying.

"She doesn't need your smelly ass jacket."
You looked at him with wide eyes while he started putting the jacket over you.

"Yah Jaehyun! Are you crazy? That was so rude," you cried, putting your arm in the arm holes of his warm jacket.

The guy walks away, offended.
You are about to walk up to him and apologize for Jaehyun's rude behaviour.

Jaehyun holds your arm, making you stay still beside him.

You see the bus arriving.
The bus arrived, and everyone was getting in.

As you two sit down beside each other, you look at him. "Are you jealous?" you say, teasing him.

"Shut up, you should be grateful you're not wearing that ugly guy's jacket."

"Jealous Jaehyun," you tease, making him roll his eyes.

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