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NINECOMFORT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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UNLOCKING THE TOP FLOOR ROOM, CASSANDRA SIGHED IMPATIENTLY. she stood behind dick as he pushed open the door, looking back at her as he did so. standing there when they walked in was a naked woman, "hey, get out here." cassandra spoke clearly as she swallowed uncomfortably. the woman handed dick her drink as she grabbed her coat and walked out of the room. cassandra nudged dick, pointing down a hallway. he nodded before taking the lead, walking down a hallway to a bedroom. another naked woman stood there making cassandra roll her eyes.

"hey, scat." the woman obeyed, leaving the room with her coat. cassandra scoffed, walking down another hallway to see a man in a tub. "wheres slade?" dick asked making the man laugh.

"i'm not sure which one's crazier, you or him." wintergreen stated with a smile. dick scoffed before downing his drink and throwing it behind his head. the glass shattered as dick grabbed a gun, walking in the room. cassandra pressed her lips together in amusement as dick shot three shots in the tub, not hitting wintergreen of course. 

"where is he?" dick demanded.

"you've hit a dead end-"

"next rounds in your stomach." 

"i know." wintergreen looked out of the window, "thing is, i'm a middleman. a buffer. safety zone between guys like you and slade." he paused as he looked at cassandra, who lurked in the dark spot of the room. "so kill me if you want but i didn't get this job because i'm personable... i got this job because i hold the line." wintergreen stood up making cassandra cringe slightly, "how long has that been? since that went down with you and slade?"

"five years." dick replied, pointing the gun at wintergreen.

"you crossed the line man, used the man's family. even i wouldn't do that." dick extended his arm making cassandra step in the room, grabbing his shoulder warning him.

"where the fuck is he?" dick demanded, glancing at cassandra as she let go of his shoulder. she crossed her arms. he looked over at nothing and snapped, "stop talking! stop fucking talking!" cassandra looked at where dick was looking, making her eyes go wide in horror. was dick seeing things?

"are you alright?" wintergreen asked.

suddenly dick hit wintergreen with the gun, making the man fall to the ground and dick pointing the gun at him. "dick, stop!" cassandra exclaimed with wide eyes, "what the hell is wrong with you man? i'm crazy but dude, you're acting fucking crazier!" dick looked at her, his face softening seeing her worry. he put the gun back in his pocket, looking down at wintergreen, "what now genius?"

suddenly a phone rang making cassandra and dick look back, their eyes widening. dick grabbed the phone and putting it up to his ear, "hello?" he asked as cassandra sighed, running her hand through her hair and leaning against the counter behind her. "what?" suddenly he hung up, looking back at cassandra. 

"what?" she asked.

dick sighed, "lets go."

"um. okay?"

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AS DICK PARKED HIS MOTORCYCLE, CASSANDRA STARED IN DISBELIEF. she couldn't believe dick would go to a church. the only thing he told her was that he needed his ride, but not where they were going. cassandra pulled her helmet off of her head, shaking her hair out of her face. she gave dick the helmet, "you're taking us to church?" she asked as dick ignored her, walking towards the church. "okay fine. dick."

they walked in the church, "dick whats happening?" cassandra asked as they walked in farther. "dick, i think somethings wrong at the tower." dick continued to walk, "richard, listen to me!" she exclaimed, her plants grabbing dick's wrist and turning him around. dick looked at her as flashes of arguing and kalani crying went through her mind. "what the hell is happening to you!?"

"he killed my friend, he almost killed kalani and jason. he has to be stopped." dick snapped, anger filling his voice. cassandra held dick in place with her vines as she walked up to him. cassandra shook her head, "you don't understand cassandra!"

cassandra tilted her head, "i dont understand? i want this guy dead as much as you! he almost killed the last fucking family i have left..." she sighed, "stop always trying to be the hero! you keep going out on these stupid runs without anyone and think its gonna be okay! you have blood on your hands, i get it."

"not just me." dick replied.

"i don't know what happened five years ago, and simply i dont wanna know." cassandra stated, "but obviously you're hiding something from everyone, and i think you're afraid if they find out they'll leave you... and you'll be alone." dick's eyes filled with tears making cassandra sigh, putting her hand on his cheek. he leaned into it, "i get it, you don't wanna be alone. i don't want to either, it scares me to lose everyone i've learned to love."

"no one needs to know." dick snapped making cassandra sigh, "what difference will it make? its done, its in the past. its behind me!"

"its not!" cassandra shook her head, "whatever this secret is, it has to come out."

"goddamn it!" dick yelled making cassandra step back, but she didn't flinch. "just leave me alone cass!"

"dick!" cassandra exclaimed, "you have to tell the fucking truth!" tears filled her eyes seeing dick look at her with tears in his eyes. "i know it hurts and it'll hurt some things, but keeping this secret in you will tear you apart." dick shook his head, looking at the ground. cassandra grabbed his hand, letting him go with her vines.

"its too hard." dick whispered making cassandra softly look at him. he looked at her as a tear ran down his face, cassandra quickly putting her hand on his cheek. he didn't push her away, he just leaned into it as he looked at her with tears in his eyes. she pressed a kiss to his forehead, pulling him in to her shoulder. dick wrapped his arms around her, shaking slightly as he hugged her like she was leaving. "please don't leave me."

cassandra looked him in the eyes, "i won't leave you."

suddenly cassandra looked up, her eyes going wide. "what?" dick whispered as cassandra pushed past him softly. she walked up some stairs to see photos of the team in the tower. dick walked up to her, the two immediately locking eyes. "fuck!" he slammed his hand on the table, pushing the candles and papers off. 

cassandra raised an eyebrow before following dick out of the church. the two ran to his motorcycle, quickly putting on their helmets and heading to the tower. they quickly ran in the tower and got in the elevator. "so he's in the tower?" she asked quickly making dick shake his head in confusion. "okay..."

the doors opened making cassandra and dick walk through them, looking around as dick held his gun.  "he's here." dick whispered to dawn, donna, hank, rachel, and kory.


"deathstroke, he's here in the tower." dick explained as kalani and gar walked in the room. "he took pictures of all of us."

"can't a guy sleep in?" gar asked, holding kalani in his arms.

"dick, talk to me." hank stated, "whats with the gun?"

"wheres jason?" cassandra asked as addison walked in the room. everyone looked around with guilt making cassandra look at dick, who was looking at her. he quickly ran out of the room making everyone look at cassandra, "its a long ass story, but basically deathstroke was somehow in the tower and took pictures of you guys... and yeah?" 


FALSE GOD- RICHARD GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now