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OPENING THE DOOR TO HER APARTMENT, addison waters was not in a good mood. first, she found out her car had been towed, which was not her fault. second, she found out her best friend was having an art show and she was already running late. third, she just found out that her apartment complex is going to be tore down... yeah, she wasn't the happiest person. she threw her keys down onto the table as she kicked off her heels. "i'm home!" she called out to her roommate, hoping that the bitch wasn't home. once she heard no reply, addison headed to her room, opening the door and turning on the lights. 

the woman walked into her closet, trying to find a decent outfit for this 'art show'. as she scrummaged through her clothes, she couldn't help but notice that there was a breeze coming in from a window that addison couldnt remember if she even opened it. addison ignored the breeze, and grabbed a simple blue dress. she took off her work clothes and put on the dress, scoffing to herself as she looked at the tag. "it'll do." she mumbled, squeezing in her stomach.

walking through her home, addison looked around. something about her apartment felt off. she was to busy to even realize what was so off about it, putting on her shoes and grabbing her keys. addison looked in the mirror, grabbing a hairbrush that she put there months ago, just for moments like this. she opened up a drawer, grabbing her handgun and its holder. she lifted up the skirt of her dress, wrapping it around her upper thigh. then she opened her apartment door, and turning to lock it. "addison!?" a voice called out, a voice that was very known to the woman. she locked her door, turning around to see cassandra reagan standing there with a grin on her face.

"well, well, well, there's a pretty face i haven't seen in years."  addison replied, shoving her keys in her pocket. cassandra walked up to the woman and addison raised an eyebrow. yes, she hadn't seen the assassin in years, but she looked so different. addison couldnt pinpoint exactly what was so different about cassandra, but she didn't have time to ask. "you need to change." addison began opening up her apartment as cassandra crossed her arms, a look on her face, addison turned to look at her, "you're not going to a party in a sweatshirt and shorts."

cassandra scoffed as the two went into the apartment, cassandra looking around, "this is nice." she stated as addison stopped in her tracks. "what?" cassandra asked, glancing around the taller woman. laying there was addison's dead roommate, her throat slit, and her head bashed in the coffee table, "i didnt take you as the murdering woman type."

addison looked back at her, "i didnt kill her."


cassandra looked around the room, scanning it closely. she reached into her shorts, pulling out her knife and flicking it open. the two assassins crept around the apartment, addison holding her gun and cassandra holding her knife. as soon as cassandra stepped into addison's bedroom, she looked at the open window with bloody handprints on it. she felt addison come up behind her, the two exchanging glances. cassandra stepped into in the room, her boot making the floor creak. 

FALSE GOD- RICHARD GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now