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IF YOU WERE TO ASK CASSANDRA REAGAN WHAT SHE WOULD BE DOING RIGHT NOW, she definitely wouldn't say that she was babysitting two teenagers and a fire alien. she would be saying she would be robbing a bank, or killing a target. she wouldn't even think about babysitting children, the thought would never even cross her mind. but, here cassandra sat looking at gar and rachel who sat and played video games on the tv. she was sitting on a chair, a blanket wrapped around her body (which ached from earlier, she really regretted fighting).

cassandra glanced over to see kory walk in the room, a bowl of popcorn in her hands. she sat down on the couch, ignoring the gaze from cassandra. the brunette wondered how dick and jason were doing. some part of her wanted to call him, but she knew not to think about it, knowing how angry dick gets when he gets interrupted. cassandra watched as gar celebrated, beating rachel in a racing game.

"you cheated." rachel complained, hitting the pillow playfully that laid on her lap. gar gave her a proud smile, leaning over to kory to grab some popcorn. cassandra smiled at the teens, remembering how dick and her would play video games, not even thinking about the secrets they kept. she remembered how alfred would tell them it was 3 in the morning, the two not even realizing the time. they were both happy with each other's presence and not even realizing the time that had passed.

cassandra lifted her leg up on the chair, hugging it slightly. "i did not!" gar repeated over and over again. the two teens picked another game as cassandra stood up, walking out of the room. she didn't realize that rachel followed her until cassandra walked into the kitchen. cassandra turned around to see the teen standing there, a sad smile on her face.

"hey rach, what's up?" cassandra asked, leaning against the counter behind her. cassandra could tell something was wrong by the look on rachel's face, making the woman tilt her head slightly, "are you okay?"

"i saw what he did to you." rachel whispered, looking at the ground like she did something wrong. cassandra raised an eyebrow, her mouth opened slightly to reply, "the joker." rachel couldn't make eye contact with the woman, who just whispered 'oh'. "i didn't mean to, it was in my dream, i promise i wasn't trying to invade your privacy."

"hey, hey. it's okay." cassandra replied, taking a step forward. rachel looked up at the woman, their eyes meeting. it was like two broken people trying to be strong for the other. cassandra couldn't think about what the monster did to her all those years ago, she was worried about the teenager who saw all of it. "are you okay? what all did you see?" she tried to keep her voice steady, the memories of the joker running through her mind. she still had the scars on her hips from where he burned her from the electricity. she remembered how she tried to consume the light, but her powers didn't work, everything being useless.

FALSE GOD- RICHARD GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now