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blood. kidnapping. torture. pedophilia. attempted suicide

WALKING THROUGH THE STREETS OF GOTHAM, cassandra reagan scoffed at how hot gotham was. it was a hot summer day, with no rain in days. the sun beat down on cassandra's face, making her sweat. she walked past families with their children, holding ice cream and giggling as they ran past the girl. she frowned slightly, wishing it was her with her family. her hand went up to her neck, playing with the necklace around her neck.

cassandra turned the corner, immediately bumping into someone with a drink in their hand. cassandra immediately stopped, backing up, "i'm so sorry!" she exclaimed looking at the boy who just smiled at her. "i can pay for a new one-"

"its all good." the boy replied with a grin on his face. the drink was practically all over the two teens, cassandra wanted to hit herself in the head for being so stupid and clumsy. the boy just shrugged, "i didn't like it anyway." cassandra noticed how cute the boy was, a small smile forming on her face, "richard grayson, friends call me dick."

cassandra looked at the hand that dick stuck out, a small snort escaping her lips hearing the nickname, "dick?! why not rick, or rich? where did dick come from?!" the boy groaned, rolling his eyes at cassandra's teasing. she shook his hand, "cassandra reagan." the name made the boy immediately look at her, "yeah, i know."

dick frowned, "yeah that sucks."

cassandra just shrugged, trying to change the subject, "anyway, i'm really sorry about bumping into you." dick shrugged again, his lips curved up in a small smile. the two seemed to already have a connection, smiles never leaving their faces. 

"its all good..." dick replied quickly, "hey, weird random question, you can say no if you want, want to maybe just hang for a few... my friend donna ditched me and i'm bored out of my mind." cassandra looked up at him, immediately nodding, "sweet."

the two teens walked around gotham, cassandra forgetting all about the heat. the sun began to set, people started to flee in their homes. cassandra and dick sat on a set of swings at a playground, watching the sunset in the distance. cassandra was surprised the sky was clear enough to even see it. "its so pretty." she whispered, her eyes filled with awe. she didn't notice dick looking at her with a smile on his face, awe in his eyes. "right?" cassandra asked, looking over at dick who immediately looked at the sunset.


cassandra immediately heard a laugh in the distance, her senses picking up. she completely forgot about poison ivy and harley, their little heist they were supposed to have. she stood up quickly, her eyes filled with worry, "hey, hey what's wrong?" dick asked, standing up after her. his watch beeped making him look down, "fuck. what's wrong?"

FALSE GOD- RICHARD GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now