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ONE THING CASSANDRA REAGAN HATED WAS, being a team. she didn't work with anyone but herself. and if she ever did work with people, they definitely weren't a team or an alliance. being a team with anyone was her worst fear, who would even work with people you had no idea who they were? the last time she worked with anyone was robin himself. they both tried to find blackout, working together, and developing feelings for each other. cassandra tried to forget that night, how instead of fighting each other, they with each other. you couldn't tell much from the mask, but both of their eyes were filled with lust and trust. 

cassandra tried to forget the feelings she had for dick grayson, how easily he opened up to a stranger, and how quickly the two realized maybe this could be something more. cassandra knew she couldn't be loved, who would love someone like her? an assassin with no heart? a scared girl in a big world that overwhelmed her? especially someone like dick grayson, how could he love her?

the two were bound to fall apart. if the universe wanted two people apart, they wanted dick grayson and cassandra reagan to be as far apart as possible. one was the day, one was the night, they didn't work. they weren't meant for each other. the bridges burned as soon as cassandra looked in the eyes of dick grayson in the robin suit. any hope they had was crushed all because of secrets. 

cassandra knew she couldn't work with a team. she had to escape somehow. she had to leave everyone and go into hiding again. the world had no idea cassandra reagan was one of the worst villains, but the justice league did. they were looking for her.... well thats what she thought. she remembered how everyone believed she was dead, and they gave up- everyone except dick grayson. he knew if bruce got his hands on the girl, she would be dead or experimented on in an instant. of course dick knew cassandra could hold her own, but against the justice league? it would be a battle, but everyone knew the ending.

cassandra stood in an abandoned farm, her arms crossed and her jacket wrapped around her body firmly. she stood in the back of the group, watching kory closely. she knew kory had something against her, cassandra wasn't afraid. she faced bigger threats than a pink haired fire lady. cassandra shuffled her feet slightly, getting uncomfortable as she glanced around. once again, she felt like she was being watched. she hated feeling like someone was watching her.

dick stood in front of the group like a leader, cassandra knew he was no leader. his eyes looked at the group, ending on cassandra. he wished that she would accept this fate, accept that she had to work with him. "okay, in order to work together, fight and defend yourselves like a coordinated team, we gotta see what each other can do. any volunteers?" dick looked at the group, knowing cassandra wouldn't show any of her abilities. "kory, rachel said you can create light. heat. is that right?"

"honestly, i'm still trying to figure that out." kory replied, looking at dick closely. cassandra knew she shouldn't trust kory, who would? she barely knew herself? how did anyone know if she wasnt a planet destroyer or something? of course, everyone felt the same way about cassandra and her attitude. kory had no reason to trust her. 

FALSE GOD- RICHARD GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now