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(tw: death of family, gore)

SCREAMING IN FEAR, CASSANDRA STOOD IN HER PLACE. her sister stood next to her, the two watching as their cousins fell to the ground, blood splattering all over the place. cassandra couldn't move, her father in front of her. everything seemed to be falling apart as glass shattered from above the girl. cassandra dove out of the way, hiding behind a table as bullets flew past her head. dust from the ceiling began falling all over the room. "stop!" cassandra's father screamed, shoving his wife behind him before he fell to the ground.

cassandra screamed as more chaos began to unfold. she looked for her sister, scanning the room as she watched bullets fly past her face. she realized that they were getting closer, more bodies falling to the ground. she began to crawl over to her hiding place (she found it years ago, no one knew about it). cassandra felt her tears run down her face as she crawled over her uncle, he was still alive, blood gurgling out of his mouth. "i'm sorry." cassandra cried as she put her hand against the wall. it opened and cassandra crawled in, shutting it behind her. from a small crack, she could see her mother fall.

a man dressed in all black walked over to her mother, mocking her. cassandra began sobbing, holding her mouth as the screams began to die down. the bullets suddenly stopped, occasionally shooting the people who were still alive. cassandra covered her ears hearing her cousins cry out in pain. the girl looked down to see blood all over her white dress that she was so excited to wear. 

suddenly the smell of smoke filled the air causing cassandra to quickly look out the crack. there were no more scary men, just bodies of her family on the ground. she realized they started a fire on the christmas tree, the once colorful lights popping from the flames. cassandra quickly opened the door, seeing electricity run up the wall. her eyes flashed with orange when the tree blew up, causing the debris to fly towards cassandra. she quickly was thrown into the wall, hitting electricity causing her to cry out in pain. 

cassandra stood up, running to her mother. "mom!" cassandra cried, grabbing her mothers shoulders. "mom, wake up!" cassandra grabbed her mothers necklace, holding it in her hand as she watched the flames trap her in the room. cassandra's body was weak, she could barely see, and everything hurt. she ran through a small opening of the fire, tripping over a plant that was knocked over. cassandra stood up, looking at the water on the ground, electricity running through it. 

the girl jumped up on a chair, grabbing onto the balcony above her. she cried as she lifted her fragile body up. the balcony crumbling below her as she crawled away from the edge. the girl stood up, running down the grand staircase. she looked back to see the doors closed shut, only for them to explode a second later. cassandra ducked, the smoke getting in her face making the girl cough. 

FALSE GOD- RICHARD GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now