Chapter 36

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Bring her back! She belongs to me! She is my girl,my love!

My chest heaves up and down and it takes everything in me not to get into my car and follow them.

The pain on my face is nothing compared to the one I feel in my chest.

After hours of staying on the parking lot ground,I dragged myself up and walked to my car and drove home.

I switched my phone off not wanting to talk to anyone. Especially my dad.

I need to think. I need to find a way to get my woman back.

Sunday went by in a blur and I never left my sofa. The only company I had was my dad but I didn't open the door for him and then alcohol.

I tried calling her but she didn't answer,I left her alot of voice messages but still no replies.

I called and called till it wasn't going through anymore. She blocked me.

Monday,I gathered the strength and went to school hoping she would be there. Even if she wouldn't talk to me I would aleast get a glimpse of her face.

But she didn't show up. Neither did her friends. I lost hope again.

After school I went to the principal's office and gave him my resignation letter.

The only reason I told him is I wanted to try something new.

Something tells Harriet isn't done with me yet and I am afraid she might hurt Ireal in the process so in order to avoid that,I had to resign.

Tuesday,I did nothing but drink and drink till I couldn't feel my hands anymore. I want to punish myself for hurting her,I want to numb all this pain.

I haven't felt this pain in while,not since my mom died and I watched her casket been lowered to the ground.

Wednesday it was the same routine,I drunk till I passed out.

Thursday,I don't know what happened but I woke up in the hospital with my dad beside me.

The doctor said I had alcohol poison and I would have died if I wasn't rushed here. I don't remember anything after that. I shut everyone out.

I was discharged on Friday and my dad drove me home.

He didn't say a word the entire drive and I am grateful for that.

After helping me to my apartment and laying me on the bed he left.

But before he left he spoke to me.

"I am not mad at you. Just sad that I couldn't be there for you. I hope you forgive me. Please come visit me when you are okay. You and your brother need to talk"he said and then walked away. Leaving me in my misery and pain.

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