Chapter 30

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I arrived in Paris exactly at 3:16 pm and took a cab to my sister's apartment

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I arrived in Paris exactly at 3:16 pm and took a cab to my sister's apartment.

It wasn't even an apartment,it was a villa. I guess Juan is making money more than what my dad expected.

Juan is my sister's fiance,they have been together since she started working in the fashion industry. She has worked with alot of high profiled brands and celebrities.

I stood Infront of her door with anxiety brimming inside me. I haven't seen her in a long time. How would she even react to my surprise visit.

I gently ring the doorbell and stood there in anticipation. A few seconds pass and I hear soft footsteps approaching the door.

I hear the door unlocked and then she opened it. Her eyes widen like a sorcerer when she saw me standing there.

"Hey little sis, miss me"I say playfully but in the inside I was praying she wouldn't shut the door in my face.

"Please tell me I am not seeing things. Bla....Blake"she mutters not believing I was here in flesh.

"Your one and only"I smile, before I could react,she threw herself at me and luckily I caught her time.

"Oh God,I can't believe you are here. Flesh and blood. I miss you so much. So so much"she whispers buring her face in my neck.

"I missed you Blakeley, so so much. I am sorry for cutting you off all those years"I tell her.

She distaches herself from me and wiped her tears with a sniff.

"I am not mad at you Blake,hurt,yes. But I understand what you did,I would have done the same if I were in your shoes"she says.

This is why I love her. She is so understanding and kind hearted.

"Thank you Blakeley"I smile,

"Oh goodness,come inside. You must be freezing"she gasps and pulls me inside the house living my suitcase outside.

"Come,come"she ushering me into her living room and tells me to sit down. She goes back into the kitchen to prepare me so hot coco,just like my mom did on every Christmas when she was alive.

I took the opportunity to explore her living room. This place doesn't scream rich, everything is just comfortable and homy. This is place you can call home.

The view from here is absolutely breathe taken,you see the snowing falling from here and cover snowed tree.

I can't wait to have this with Ireal. We would sit on the froyer with our hot coco and just watch the snow fall.

Wait......I am just fantasing about my life with Ireal.

Oh gosh,I've got it bad for her.

"I am back"Blakeley says and hands me a mug full of hot chocolate and marshmallows.

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