Chapter 10

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It was time to mingle

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It was time to mingle. I was talking to some of my friends from the football time but it was getting too overwhelming so I excused myself.

I went to sit on the bleachers,all myself not far away from crowd tho.

A few minutes later I felt a presence beside me and immediately a well know cologne filled my nostrils.

I stiffen knowing who It was.

What is he doing here?

"Why aren't you socializing?"he asks

"It was getting too crowded. What about you? You should be talking to teachers"I say looking up to meet his grey eyes again.

"Social gatherings aren't my thing"he simply answer and I nodded.

There was silence which seemingly comfortable and awkward at the same time.

"You look beautiful by the way"he says and I blush.

I have been called beautiful by a lot of people including my mom and dad, especially my dad but it sounds different coming from Mr. Harrison. Butterflies.

"You also don't look bad your"I tell him confidently and he laughs.

Oh my goodness he has dimples.

We begun to speak about random things until we suddenly hear a loud sound.

Is that gun shot.

Everything happens very fast, students begun to run for their lives,there was a gas blowing towards us.


I can't breathe. The shots begun to get louder. I need to get out of here.

"Ireal we need to leave now"Mr. Harrison yells helping me on my feet but there was too much smoke and I was getting dazed.

I needed air. My inhaler.

"Ireal,what is wrong?"he asks confused.

"Asthma......inhaler....bag"I say breathing heavily.

My vision becomes blurry as I fell but Mr. Harrison caught me luckily.

"You are asthmatic! Fuck!"he yells and I feel him carry me.

My bag and everything was in my car.

The last thing I see was Mr. Harrison running and a loud gun shot before blacking out.


I woke up in an unfamiliar room.

This isn't my room and neither is it a hospital.

I groan and slowly sat on the bed,this place looks and smells amazing.

There are three colors in this room, gray, black and white.

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