Chapter 3

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I run down the hallway muttering curses at Joe for wasting my time

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I run down the hallway muttering curses at Joe for wasting my time.

Thank God Mrs. Perez came to my rescue,she is sweet old lady who works at the school's library.

She is very found of me because I usually help her during the weekends after cheer practice.

Fuck Joe for making me late.

Now Mr. Harrison is going to mad at me. I really pray the rumors aren't true.

I hope is a sweet man,who pardons teenagers for being late to Class.

I let out a sigh of relief when I got the door of the classroom, only fifteen minutes later.

I took a small peek into the room to see everyone's head buried into their ipads and the teacher reading from his.

Eastern is modernized school, instead of text books,we use iPads, which has all our books installed on it.

So no need to carry heavy textbooks.

I let out a breathe,

"You can do this Ireal. He is only a teacher,not a monster"I tell myself.

With a shaky head I opened the door,the cold air from AC hits my face.

All eyes suddenly turns to me including the teacher's.

Some are looking at me with pity, especially my friends and the others with humor.

"What do you want?"I gruff but husky sexy voice asks me and I turn my attention to the teacher who was glaring at me now.

Mr. Harrison.

Fuck,those eyes. Those beautiful grey eyes,I have never seen grey eyes like that in my life.

It is the darkest stormy grey eyes I have ever seen in my life and there a  spark of blue hue in them.

His jaw line was defined,full lips, perfect cheek bone.

Fuck this man is a god. No wonder girls swoon over him. He indeed could be a model.

I see his fingers snapped Infront of me bringing me out of my reverie.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You barged into the my class unannounced and I ask you a question you stand there like a dummy"he grits and my heart begins to race.

I hate being under pressure,I turn to have a panic attack.

"I..I am..sorry sir...I this class"I stutter rubbing my sweaty palms against the my short skirt.

He lets out a sigh of frustration and irritation.

"Why are you late then?"he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I...I..was in....I was stuck...stuck in the bathroom"I lied, looking down.

"Look at me when I speak to you"he suddenly shouts and I get startled.

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