✦ Extra- I'm Home ✦

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I jumped from building to building, running after a crook who had just stolen from a jewellery store. His quirk let him become invisible in the dark, so he ran in narrow and dark alleyways as I ran after him on the roofs. I was trying to get him into the light so I could see him properly.

Clicking my tongue, I took Katsuki's grenade off my belt and pulled the trigger, throwing it into the alley. I started keeping some of Katsuki's low-concentration grenades with me since they proved useful in battle. The alley lit up in orange, followed by a boom. I jumped into the smoke, landing perfectly on my feet, my boots thudding satisfyingly. I found the villain coughing, hands waving to move the smoke out of his face.

I pulled him towards me by his near-invisible collar and into a ray of sunlight that lit up a small part of the alleyway. His face was covered with a black ski mask, which I pulled off, throwing it aside. I pried the jewellery bag out of his hands as he shook in fear.

"Why steal if yer going to shiver like a coward?" I scoffed. I pointed towards his sleeve, motioning for him to drop what he was hiding. The bandit shook his sleeves, and a few bracelets and necklaces fell out.

"Not going to talk to me?" I asked. "Is it because you've got something in there?" He shook his head frantically, backing away into the shadows again when I caught his collar again, making him stay put.

I slowly unsheathed a long dagger and ran my finger lightly over the sharp side. "Are you going to spit it out, or so I have to cut your mouth open?" I said in a sickly sweet tone. His grey eyes shone in fear, and he quickly spit out five rings.

"That's what I thought." I smiled, teleporting the rings into the jewellery bag in my hand. I took his arm and teleported us outside the jewellery store he had just robbed.

Two police cars, with their sirens on, sat parked outside the store with a few officers inside, questioning the workers. I pulled the broken glass door open and flung the man inside. The officers stopped mid-conversation to look at us.

"Glitchy!" One of them exclaimed. "You caught him." Another officer stepped forward and handcuffed the robber. I shook an officer's hand as he thanked me for catching the thief.

I found the owner of the store looking at me wide-eyed behind a broken glass counter. I smiled and strode towards him, handing him the bag. He took it and peeked inside.

"I hope that's all he stole. I got a few out of his mouth." I said. He shook his head, grinning and beaming.

"Thank you so much, Glitchy! If you weren't around, I'd be done for." He said.

"Anytime." I smiled. I walked out of the shop to see a bunch of reporters with their cameras and mics. They immediately burst into speech at the sight of the number four hero.

"Glitchy, would you like to talk about the robber you just caught?!" A reported shoved a mic in front of my face.

"Are you not accompanying Dynamite on patrol today?!" Another reporter asked.

"Did you two get into a lover's quarrel?"

"When is your new merch dropping?!"

I sweatdropped at all the questions and managed to escape the nosy reporters with the excuse of, 'I have to patrol.' I patrolled through the busy afternoon, though it wasn't as chaotic. I sat on the edge of a skyscraper from where I could see everything below me.

I could see Deku's statue next to All Might's in the city square. Izuku was officially recognized as the new symbol of peace two years after we graduated from U.A. I faintly smiled at the memory. Katsuki was a little jealous, but it wasn't the same immature jealousy he harboured for Izuku in middle school. He had the right to be jealous. But Katsuki congratulated Izuku with a "Congrats, nerd," which had Izuku tearing his eyes at Katsuki. Katsuki quickly added, "Dont let it get to your fuckin' head. I'm still better than you."

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