46- Holiday Homework

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I grumbled and rolled off the bed. I fell to the floor with a thud and winced. It took me a few heartbeats to take in my surroundings. 'Oh, yeah. The dorms.' I muttered. I swung the door open, still in my pyjamas. I dragged myself to the elevator and walked into the common area. I covered my nose when I smelt something burning.

I ran to the kitchen, preparing myself to see a fire. It was just Todoroki hovering over a pan with something black in it. The thing was on fire.

"Uh... what are you doing, Shoto?" I asked.

"Good morning." He greeted. "I'm making pancakes. Well... I'm trying to." He froze the pan with a straight face and dumped the burnt pancake in the dustbin, which already had a lot of burnt pancakes in it.

My eyes fell on the messy shelves. Flour spilt on the shelves attempts to break eggs, a dirty whisk, cups and glasses, milk spilt. I looked at Todoroki again, who somehow managed to burn the pancake again. I facepalmed.

"Shoto, where is the batter?" I asked.

"In that plate." He pointed at a plate in the middle of the mess. He used a fricking plate to make the batter.

I looked down at the batter, which was poorly beaten. The batter had chunks of flour, egg shells and a weird colour. I put a finger in the batter and gave it a taste. I immediately ran to the sink and rinsed my mouth.

"Shoto, did you use salt?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"I used a white powder... isn't sugar also a white powder." He said. I looked at him in disbelief. So this is what the most intelligent and handsome boy in the class was like in the kitchen?

"Oh, dear God." I sighed. "You're doing it all wrong, Shoto."

"I never cooked for myself before. My sister usually cooks for us."

"I can see that." I began cleaning the shelves, wondering how one could make so much mess just for pancakes.

"I'm not done with my pancakes."

"You're not allowed to get into the kitchen unless you have someone supervise you." I deadpanned. Todoroki looked at me with shock in his eyes. Once everything was cleared, I grabbed an apron and bowl.

"Now," I huffed. "I'm going to teach you how to make pancakes."


"First off, when making the batter, use a damn bowl. Not a plate." I instructed. Todoroki nodded and searched the cabinets. He pulled out a bowl.

"Can I crack the egg?" Todoroki asked as I was going to crack it.

"Okay..." I handed him the egg, not trusting him one bit. He cracked the egg and let the contents fall into the bowl. I let out a sigh of relief.

"I can do that much..." Todoroki said.

I added the milk, and Todoroki looked for the sugar. He tasted the sugar to confirm if it was sugar, nodding when it tasted sweet. I measured the sugar and poured the sugar into the bowl. I added the rest of the ingredients, adding flour as the final ingredient. I showed him how to whisk the batter without spilling any. I buttered the pan and let it heat, pouring a scoop full of batter on the pan.

"When you see bubbles that pop and remain open, that's your sign to flip it," I said, neatly flipping the pancake. Soon, there was a stack of four pancakes on a plate.

"Want maple syrup?" I asked. He nodded and drizzled the pancakes with maple syrup. I added some whipped cream and blueberries in the centre. I handed him the plate. The little glimmer in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by me.

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