47- It's Okay To Cry

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It was a chill evening, and I was sitting on the balcony, listening to music and sketching something. Dark clouds took over the sky, and a cool breeze washed my hair now and then. I predicted it would rain during the night. I hummed along with the song and continued sketching, sitting on a chair, feet up on the railing. I heard the door to my room knock.

"Come in!" I yelled.

A greenhead peeked inside and stepped inside when he saw me on the balcony. "Hi, Aki-chan!"

"Hi, Zuku, come join me. The weather is amazing."

He came inside the balcony, sitting on the beanbag I bought from inside for him. "Ah, I think it will rain soon," Midoriya said.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied, looking up from my sketchbook.

"What are you sketching, Aki-chan?" He asked, glancing at my sketchbook curiously.

"Well... I was thinking of changing my costume. Like completely change it." I handed him the sketchbook so he could see. His eyes lit up when he saw the sketch.

"It looks so cool, Aki-chan! You're planning on adding a dagger too?!"

"Yeah..." I smiled, scratching my cheek. "Thought it would be cool. There isn't much to my quirk other than using it and throwing kicks and punches. Thought it'd be cool to add a weapon."

"Ehh?! But your quirk is super cool, Aki-chan! And your kicks are super badass and strong! Although I do think it's a good idea to have a weapon in hand." He began his usual muttering, rubbing his chin. I smiled, looking at him get so enthusiastic over small things. I felt a few drops of water fall on my face and looked up to see tiny droplets fall from the sky.

"It's starting to rain. Let's go inside." I gathered everything, and we went back to my room.

"Wanna play UNO?" I asked, getting a deck of cards from a drawer.

"I'd love to!" He grinned, closing his eyes. We sat on the bed, and I shuffled the deck, dealing the cards. I smirked, satisfied, looking at two draw four cards.

"I don't plan on losing," I warned.

"N-neither do I!"

I lost.

"No way! I complained. "I demand a rematch!"

"Sure." Midoriya smiled competently. "I'm going to win again."

"In your dreams!"

I lost seven more times.

"The game is rigged," I said, glaring at the discard pile.

"But, you're the one serving, Aki-chan. Oh- we're playing again?"

"I have to win at least once!" I yelled.


I lost again.

"Ugh, I give up!" I kicked the cards away. "I'll set these stupid things on fire."

Midoriya laughed, watching me stomp the cards. I huffed and sat beside him, pouting at my loss. Midoriya looked outside the window. It was heavily pouring now.



"You know, don't you?" He asked, looking at the ceiling.

"I know a lot of things. What exactly are you asking about?" I asked, confused at the sudden question.

"My quirk."

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